You know we have a "What movies did you just watch" topic but you can't talk about upcoming movies, or movies you've seen in the past, or your thoughts on movies in general.
Well here you can do that. This topic is about anything movie related.
So I'm going to start off by saying that Spielberg confirmed Jurassic Park 4. I don't know what to think about that at this point. I hope it turns out better than the last one.
Ah, this is a good idea! I actually have watched only a couple movies in the past and never watch movies anymore these days but that's because I can't find anything that interests me. I have rather picky tastes when it comes to television. However if I was able I'd watch the Toy Stories and I always love movies based off my favorite animes.

spielberg is dead to me. super 8 was alright, but it doesn't make up for all the other shit from him recently. anyhow
MOVIES IM HYPAN (a couple of which are out already but my theatre is a butt)
Attack the Block
Captain America
Cowboys and Aliens
Winnie the Pooh
The Muppets
Conan the Barbarian
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
The Adventures of Tintin
and, of course
the greatest movie of the year
how could there even be a jurassic park 2 i mean i only read the book but seriously
they didnt learn their lesson about cloning dinosaurs after the first one??
They stopped the cloning but the dinosaurs are still out there.
Was just about to make a Favorite Movies Thread and then i saw this.
I just bought Rango because i already liked the art style and then i heard they didn't release the film in 3D because they thought it might hurt the style. Which i agree with. I fucking hate 3D movies.
Some of my favorite movies are
King Kong (Original)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
A Clockwork Orange
Hot Fuzz
The Wizard of Oz
Jason and the Argonauts (Original)
The Day the Earth Stood Still (Original)
Gran Torino
Stand by Me
Of Mice and Men (I actually think the movie is better than the book)
The original Star Wars trilogy (Original as in the first ones made)
Toy Story 1 and 3
Kick Ass
Exit Through the Gift Shop
And p much every movie by Alfred Hitchcock
I know I'm missing a bunch of stuff but that's all i can think of right now.
In the process of buying a huge list of dvds/blurays
To name a few
The Indianna Jones tetralogy because I've never seen an Indianna movie for some reason
A Serious Man
The Truman Show
Wayne's World 1 & 2
Groundhog Day
The Tarantino collection
A Scanner Darkly
Wrist Cutters
Night of the Living Dead
I've got a pretty big collection of about 200-300 movies at the moment, but I watch a movie i haven't seen before like every other day.
Planning on going to see the remake of Fright Night in a few days but i doubt it'll be as good as the original. Also kinda wanna see Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
Please don't let this thread die, we don't discuss movies even nearly enough here.
(07-31-2011, 08:30 PM)AMAZON Wrote: [ -> ]Cowboys and Aliens
Conan the Barbarian
yeah cowboys and aliens was mediocre at best and everyone says conan is shit
Cowboys and Aliens is a lot of fun.
There are some movies that are kind of stupid but that's okay because they are loads of fun.
Cowboys and Aliens was solid summer entertainment; not a groundbreaking movie, but well-made and enjoyable nonetheless.
anyway my favorite movie ever is the original Star Wars, before it had any sequels and before any special edition nonsense (not that Empire Strikes Back is a bad movie, but the entire series after the first movie was essentially improvised on the spot and it's hard to take the entire 'saga' seriously because of this)
some great movies i've seen either recently or some time ago include:
Gran Torino
Lucky Number Slevin
Groundhog Day
Reservoir Dogs
American History X
uh that's all i can think of atm BUT THERE'S MORE I SWEAR
My Favorite Movie(s) is The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Everything about those movies I just love.
Some movie's I've seen recently are:
-Captain America
-Gangs of New York
who else would be down for a highlander reboot starring will smith??
(12-14-2011, 09:22 AM)AMAZON Wrote: [ -> ]omg
who else would be down for a highlander reboot starring will smith??
anyone in their right mind, that's who
I can't imagine Will Smith in a Kilt... or with a Scottish accent

thats because you can't dream big