Hello, I will start posting in this topic again with new sprites and what not. I will more than likely be posting stages.
New Style:
Random Stuff:
This is an armory-like area:
Earthbound stage WIP(SSF2 was referenced for Pallet):
This is my custom character: Castiel O'Hara.
![[Image: 58d7cf6327d052bd348a3196139ddab8-d5q0ar6.png]](http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/001/5/8/58d7cf6327d052bd348a3196139ddab8-d5q0ar6.png)
Don't worry, this is the right place!
Okay, so what do you want advice on? I can see you've posted what looks like a custom Piccolo sprite, but what do you want to do with it?
We can help you better if you explain your intentions.
Well, i would like Crit please. I don't plan on using it for anything. I just want to become a better spriter. Im making a game called cameo and i need to sprite stages cause we need people to do that.
I'll only touch on the anatomical issues for now.
Firstly, the Frame:
- The spine is too straight and stiff
- the legs arent bending naturally and seemingly have no knees
- his left (our right) arm is too straight and shows no indication of an elbow
- his right (our left) arm bends in a sort of unnatural curve and juts out unnaturally far
- His arms lack any indication of muscular form or elbow bones, and his left(our right) arm looks like a tube jutting from the side of his torso.
- his shoulders don't properly attach to the torso or his arms.
- his legs are too cylindrical and don't taper near the joints naturally (if at all)
- his feet are blocky and don't exhibit any perspective (or difference between eachother)
- his left(our right) wrist and hand look like the end of his arm tube was smeared upwards.
practice with drawing dynamic figures would greatly benefit your spritework.
You just have to make this into Piccolo doing the Special Beam Cannon animation!
The shading could use some work, the pant's could use some specular shades, look more like clothing, etc. Also, with a sprite this small, you'd be better off just blending things in rather than using outlines for everything, like the muscle protrusions on Piccolo's arms. I'm also noticing that you're just changing the luminocity of one shade for all the colors of piccolo, instead of doing that, you should get some hue shift action going on, some selout, etc.

Wow, you guys are a lot nicer than people at MG, they just say, "YOU SUCK BALLS!!!" but you guys actually give advice and helpful hints and what not. Thanks ill work on it right away.
Yes, TSR always tries to help aspiring spriters who want to improve to the best of our ability as long as they're willing to cooperate and don't give up.
this would be good to read too. It won't instantly make you an expert but it's good to know the general spriting techniques.
Wow, i didn't know spriting was SO complicated.
EDIT: Wait, do you guess use stick figures and then sprite around it? I made this from complete scratch.
(08-02-2011, 06:18 PM)sazhchocobo Wrote: [ -> ]EDIT: Wait, do you guess use stick figures and then sprite around it? I made this from complete scratch.
Stick figures can be part of complete scratch if you drew the stick figures.
It's usually an easier way of doing things than not.
(08-03-2011, 03:08 AM)Proton Wrote: [ -> ] (08-02-2011, 06:18 PM)sazhchocobo Wrote: [ -> ]EDIT: Wait, do you guess use stick figures and then sprite around it? I made this from complete scratch.
Stick figures can be part of complete scratch if you drew the stick figures.
It's usually an easier way of doing things than not.
Then i guess ill start using stick figures, lol.
Added a brief outline of lego city. (will update soon)
You were always my favorite character from FFXIII.
Lol xD I liked sazh the best to! Snow was my second favorite.
Update* i added the Bridge of Eldin.It is still a WIP
Good luck, that's a big piece. I'd suggest you set the lighting first for this.