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Full Version: RPG Recruitment
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I'm looking to make a couple RPGs. The first is in the style of the PSP Final Fantasies, such as FF1, 2, and IV+After Years. I'm looking for someone who can sprite in that style for Monsters, Overworld characters, and battle characters

The Second is a completely retro styled RPG, so I'm looking for someone who can sprite in an 8-bit style along the lines of the 8-Bit final Fantasies like 1, 2, and 3, for this I want every graphic to be custom made, so I'm looking for someone to do everything from overworld tiles, monsters, and menus. I am going to be helping out graphically on this one.
Oh hey. You should make at least 20 posts and be a bit more sociable on here before making a request.

I'd like to emphasize that the Spriter's Resource is not a request hub. You post here to be part of the community, not to request and disappear: that's selfish.
What you give to the community, the community will give back.

I'm afraid this is going to be locked, and you're warned for trying to make a request, even if you did it innocently (ie you haven't read the rules or forgot about them).