Howdy! Greatly appreciate it someone would be kind of enough to as to offer up some words of advice or critique or what have you. Anyway im working on Pirates at the moment, more specifically a pi-RAT-e

. (Yea, ik that was lame). But anyway here he is I want to give him a sword strap later.
![[Image: scaled.php?server=804&filename=rat.png&res=gal]](
![[Image: scaled.php?server=851&filename=rat2.png&res=gal]](
The outline on the sprites could be more consistent, and the shading and some of the shapes refined, too.
I do like the palette on the second one better, especially the tail colours.
Keep going!

Aside from the aforementioned outlines (which could do with being another color, perhaps a lighter shade of brown or purple)
The tail seems like it could use some highlight-love.
I didnt want to add to many highlights to the tail because its behind him and the light is in front of him. Here is an update going to try to add a weapon.
![[Image: 51da9.gif]](
Was without internet for a little bit, suffered from withdraw a bit XD.Anyway made this guy have permission from the artist. The art is here
and here is my version
![[Image: image1yo.png]](
why did you choose to dither?
I dont know i thought that was how you shaded with pixel art. Is that bad?
Well dithering has a bad rep here. It actually CAN be appropriate in some circumstances but not in small sprites like these.
Quote:It's a useful technique when used in right places. Its equivalent in traditional art would be the end of the brush's stoke. It's good to represent textures in rough surfaces, but exaggerating on it will make your pixelart dirty.
note: most of the time(if not always) dithering is misunderstood as being part of the shading process(this is, people thinks you have to dither in order to shade). this is completely WRONG. in fact you should never dither at all unless given really specific conditions, such as a limited palette or trying to emulate a texture. dithering can be used as a stylistic choice, but very few really knows how to use it properly, so if this is your first aproach to this concept or to this glossary, do not dither)
That sure is one cool rat! He must be hungry; why not sprite him some delicious cheese?
![[Image: cheese_oh_cheese.jpg]](