I work at an advertising agency and sometimes I'm just left with nothing to work on.
Then I just craft some stuff out of boredom. I've only done two things worth showing so far, but I'll keep this thread updated on the same pace as I do shit.
Here's the first one. Book binding. Very tiny book binding!
This one's a cigarette pack. For one cigarette! No textures because concept only but yeah.
![[Image: vtIAB.jpg]](http://i.imgur.com/vtIAB.jpg)
I'm considering contacting a printing press if I can expand this to a stop smoking-campaign or some shit.
That's all for now. :<
I'd actually buy the single cigarette holder because it'd be useful to me.
These are pretty rad concepts though. Tinybook is kinda functionless though, isn't it?
Yeah definitely. Doesn't really serve a great purpose, but I dunno, maybe I could hide it in a library or something.
Thanks for the feedback.
That little book is cute!
You seem pretty good at making stuff.
love that single cigarrete box
oh my god, not even gonna lie, I can very easily see the mini-cigarette box being sold in small vending machines (the ones where you put coins in and turn a knob to drop whatever is inside)
Just place them right next to the cash register and presto: bum a cigarette for fifty cents AND uphold the 18+ age law!
(im gonna steal this idea uehuehuehuehue)
It's also great for the concept of a quitting smoking campaign...
Maybe come up with some simple advertising form and plaster it on, something like "My last one..." or "Just one more..."
Thanks for the input guys!!
@oB2Kojjiro: Great idea but here in Finland, if you want a permit to sell cigarette(s), you're going to go through a
fuckload of paperwork and probably end up not getting the license anyway :<
I heard the mailman drop by this morning but he didn't deliver any mail.. at least to me.
Särkilahti is my neighbor. He's really small.
Looks like he's got a letter.
I suppose he doesn't mind if I take a look...
Oh okay.
For all you non-finns out there, it says
"Hey Kari! What's going on these days? Are you still as small? I should be getting there sometime next month, it would be great to see you".
I think I'll take a break from all this mini-stuff now.
(08-17-2011, 12:10 AM)Raccoon Sam Wrote: [ -> ]@oB2Kojjiro: Great idea but here in Finland, if you want a permit to sell cigarette(s), you're going to go through a fuckload of paperwork and probably end up not getting the license anyway :<
It's a good thing I live in America then
and oh my god that miniature mailbox and letter thing is
Miniatures are pretty rad. I say continue with them but at the same time I'm curious as to what you can make on a larger scale.
Thanks guys!!
This one's a bit more subtle... I hid it in an old vent.
A sticker?
Apparently yeah. But I took the photo from such an angle that the purpose kinda melts... You see, the rain above the man and his trusty dachshund is actually a barcode. If you've got a reader on your phone or whatever, sticking it into the hole and reading it will grant you a message.

But like I said I realized only afterwards that I took that last photo from a shitty angle so you can't read it unless you photoshop the rightmost 'merged' apart from each other or something.
WELP I've got like 20 of these in different sizes so I guess I'll post another pic if I get around sticking another somewhere.
I've hidden 24 of these little QR code stickers all over town. Each contain a unique motivational message.
you invented joint storage
Haha, thanks.
This one's made from a toothpick and a laminated duplex print of a Piranha plant!
I made four of these and sticked them on random public flowerbeds across town.
WELP here it is.
(if you're Finnish you'll get this instantly)
the scale is 1:10
I'm born and raised in Pori, a relatively big town in Finland. It's also the place where I live right now.
One of the most well-acclaimed beers of Finland is
Karhu. It is Finnish and means "Bear".
pictured: a 24-pack of Karhu-beer
The word "Pori", the name of the town I live in originates from bears as well, originally deprived from Swedish "Björne
borg" meaning "Bear castle".
I decided to do a little tribute to Pori and its Karhu-beer by making my own beer.
"Marsu" means "Guinea Pig" in English.
I also made templates for tiny tiny little beer cans for cut pencils of which 24 would fit perfectly in the box. It's just that I can't find any goddamn round pencils from ANY STORE. They're all hexagonal. Why?
you're like a new cooler geekier banksy