I'm having trouble with angleing the feet properly for a damaged pose on this guy, any ideas?
![[Image: 6r59tu.png]](http://i53.tinypic.com/6r59tu.png)
Wrong section, needs to be in Spriting and Pixel Art.
Sorry about that, where had it been?
It was in "The Spriters Resource".

Oh. Oops

![[Image: jiizox.png]](http://i52.tinypic.com/jiizox.png)
Which is better? Also, do you think I should add crack lines to the bulb for emphasis on him dying, or is that overkill?
![[Image: 2yvuts8.png]](http://i52.tinypic.com/2yvuts8.png)
Still can't decide on damage pose, edited summoning pose again.

i dont really understand the animation sequence at all. can you actually animate it on a gif so we can see what you have in mind for this?
(08-13-2011, 02:31 PM)CO2 Wrote: [ -> ]i dont really understand the animation sequence at all. can you actually animate it on a gif so we can see what you have in mind for this?
I'm trying to help gors with his game, and this is hopefully going to be one of the "helpers" sort of like in smash broes. He jumps onto the screen (frames 1 and 2), then begins to call down lightning (frames 3 and 4), frame 5 is not going to be used, but I like it, so I'm not going to delete it, and frames 6 and 7 are my options for him getting damaged, I am asking which looks more obviously like he is getting hurt.
#7 looks more like he's been hit, while #6 looks like he's just holding his arms out in fear or defending.
usually when you're knocked down, your body's mass gets pushed back while your limbs stay back due them being carried by your body's movement. in order to give this more emphasis and making it more readable, you'd make that body be angled a bit.
all you have to do is basically tilt his body backwards way more than you have now, while having his arms and feet extended. and by tilting i mean redrawing him in a 45 degree fashion.
redrawing him in a 45 degree fashion.
Erm...how do I do that? Won't it make him look fuzzy?
He meant that you should actually redraw him. Not rotate him.
Am I going about this right? I did leave the old head shape. This is not the finished shaping.
![[Image: 2elzbs2.png]](http://i51.tinypic.com/2elzbs2.png)
It must be a sign of my newbescense that CO2 says "all you have to do," and I squirm uncomortably because I have never done it before.

If I were you I'd make it look more like a light bulb rather than some ball with a metal cone.
![[Image: lightbulb.jpg]](http://www.ottawaskeptics.org/images/stories/lightbulb.jpg)
Just an idea.
(Also I'd like to say you shouldn't use the circle tool, because I assume that is what you're using with the way it looks right now)