I'll be back end of next week.
Bye bye Chris!

I don't understand why people feel the need to make a thread for this
whatevs bye
Since I'm a moderator, I thought I'd post here- oh maybe I should've done that in the Staff Lounge

oh yeah
I thought it was pink because you're so fabulous~
that was short.

Welcome back!

Good to have you back!

Can't say I had noticed you were gone
Nice to have you back, though.
(08-19-2011, 11:15 AM)Gorsal Sr. Wrote: [ -> ]I don't understand why people feel the need to make a thread for this
whatevs bye
Might be because the subforum's name also includes something about them new fangled "departures" but I dunno

a week is nothing noticeable
goodbye forever or a few months maybe
I thought that I'd notify everybody of my absence since I was organizing TUGS and I have various responsabilities on this forum.
A week isn't much, I agree, but in its context I thought it was worth mentioning. If it wasn't, that's too bad, because I'm planning to use this thread again for a longer term leave.