08-30-2011, 09:37 AM
(08-30-2011, 06:40 AM)ant19831983 Wrote: [ -> ]Tonberry2k is probably wondering what the hell I'm messing about at, it's been awhile since I showed my face on his ripping project.
Not at all. I know how busy people get.

(08-30-2011, 06:40 AM)ant19831983 Wrote: [ -> ]Tonberry2k is probably wondering what the hell I'm messing about at, it's been awhile since I showed my face on his ripping project.
(08-31-2011, 10:45 AM)Tropicon Wrote: [ -> ]The heavy knock back only seems to go east/west.You mean the animation where they fall down on the ground? It's also the same animation when you die, maybe the developers thougt it's saving memory space. Same thing with the backflip.
(08-31-2011, 10:45 AM)Tropicon Wrote: [ -> ]Purim's bracelets change color as she runs or does other things.Interesting, I've never noticed that.
(08-31-2011, 10:45 AM)Tropicon Wrote: [ -> ]There seems to be a negative color sparkle on the end of the initial magic casting.It's the same frame as the previous, but with a glitchy palette which can also change from time to time. The frame itself shows up randomly, so I didn't include it.
(08-31-2011, 10:45 AM)Tropicon Wrote: [ -> ]Gnome gets an extra frame when Purim casts Earth Saber? It almost looked like Salamando got one too.Really? I will try that, maybe it's also a glitchy one like Luna's 7th summon sprite. It's like the frame from the initial magic, just a duplicate with a palette swap at the end of the animation.
http://www.flyingomelette.com/oddities/somunused.html Wrote:Of all of these unused sprites and animation frames, this one baffles me the most. You know those little yellow blobs that spring you up to higher ledges when you step on them? Apparently, a complete animation sequence of the little guy popping his head up and resetting it (complete with bugged-out eyes) was coded into the game, but left unused!