Let's see what I can do:
Popoie with Claw
- Common NPCs

- Characters

- Antagonists

- Mana Spirits

- Moogles
- Mana Fortress
- High Grass

- Ending

- Ring Menu & Message Boxes

- Misc.
Enemies & Bosses
- Mana Beast

- Lime Slime & Dread Slime

- Pumpkin Bomb & Nitro Pumpkin

- Mystic Book & National Scar

- Nemesis Owl

- Eggatrice

- Red/Blue/Green Drop & Shape Shifter

- Marmablue

- Griffin Hand

- Specter & Ghost

- Mimic Box

- Polter Chair

- Rabite & Silktail

- Weepy Eye & Whimper

- Chess Knight

- Blat & Grave Bat

- Buzz Bee & Bomb Bee

- Hexas

- Evil Sword & Doom Sword

- Tomato Man & Eggplant Man

- Basilisk

- Lullabud & Trap Flower

- Tsunami & Emberman

- Kimono Bird & Kimono Wizard

- Water Thug & Ice Thug

- Brambler

- Chobin Hood & Robin Foot

- Sand Stinger & Steelpion

- Biting Lizard, Snap Dragon & Tonpole

- Howler, Beast Zombie & Heck Hound

- Shallblast & Turtlance

- Imp & Gremlin

- Werewolf & Wolf Lord

- Vampire & Buffy
- Antagonists

- Characters

- Flammie
Currently arranging the old NPC sheet, sorting out stance poses and doublechecking every movement circle with 4 frames (possible stance pose, wrong order, etc):
I'm also ripping new characters:
- Pandoria ruins guys (with these masks)
- Jema
- Dyluck
- Luka
- Joch & Fake Joch
- Watts
- Timothy & Elliott
- Neko
- Admiral Morie & General Meria
This one is really helpful for their unused sprites:
The code is as follows:
7EE180 ??
01-0F - All enemy data, extremely glitchy
20 - Dark Sprite
21-2D - More glitchy enemy data
2E - Dark Boy
2F-3E - More glitchy enemy data
3F - Dark Girl
40-55 - More glitchy enemy data
56 - White Sprite
57-7A - More glitchy enemy data
80 - Boy
81 - Girl
82 - Sprite
83 - Glitchy data
84 - Villager: Woman w/ Hat (Strange Palette)
85 - Villager: Boy (Strange Palette)
86 - Villager: Girl (Strange Palette)
87 - Villager: Old Man w/ Hat (Strange Palette)
88 - Midge Moogle (Strange Palette)
89 - Glitchy data
8A - Boy (duplicate?)
8B - Girl (duplicate?)
8C - Sprite (duplicate?)
8D - Boy (Strange Palette, doesn't hold weapon correctly)
8E - Girl (Strange Palette, doesn't hold weapon correctly)
8F - Sprite (Strange Palette, doesn't hold weapon correctly)
90 - Gnome
91 - Undine
92 - Salamando
93 - Sylphid
94 - Lumina
95 - Shade
96 - Luna
97 - Dryad (somewhat glitchy, tends to float up off the screen and disappear)
98 - Moogle
99 - Neko
9A - Dwarf Villager
9B - Dwarf Chief
9C - Watts
9D - Sprite Grandpa
9E - King Truffle (somewhat glitchy, probably because he was not animated to walk)
9F - Walrus Villager
A0 - Jema
A1 - Luka
A2 - Fake Sage Joch
A3 - Real Sage Joch
A4 - Scorpion Boss
A5 - Scorpion Henchman
A6 - Phanna
A7 - Krissie
A8 - Sergo the Pirate
A9 - Masked Cultist
AA - Temple Monk
AB - Pecard (looks the same as the Temple Monk, but if you select to control another character, he starts spinning in circles nonstop. Only Pecard does that.)
AC - Dyluck
AD - Rudolph
AE - Santa Claus
AF - Mushroom Villager (glitches into King Truffle and back for some reason)
B0 - Emperor Vandole
B1 - Geshtar
B2 - Fanha
B3 - Unused Character: Man in White Cloak
B4 - Sheex
B5 - Flammie Head (somewhat glitchy)
B6 - Imperial Soldier
B7 - Republic Soldier
B8 - General Meria
B9 - Admiral Morie
BA - Elinee the Witch
BB - Villager: Old Man
BC - Villager: Woman
BD - King
BE - Glitchy data
BF - Thanatos
C0 - Elliot
C1 - Timothy
C2 - Resistance Man
C3 - Resistance Woman
C4 - Villager: Man
C5 - Villager: Woman w/ Hat
C8 - Villager: Dancer
C7 - Villager: Boy
C8 - Villager: Girl
C9 - Villager: Old Man w/ Hat
CA - Villager: Old Woman
CB - Mad Mara
CC - Mana Beast (the type you see flying through the trees, not the final boss. Very glitchy.)
CD - Flammie Body
CE - Cannon Travel Man
CF - Merchant
D0 - Glitchy data
D1 - Villager: Dancer (Strange Palette)
D2 - Crystal Orb
D3 - High Stepper
D4-D7 - Glitchy data
D8 - Mana Sword (as seen when it's stuck in the stone)
D9-DE - Glitchy data
DF - Mana Seed
E0 - Midge Boy (Strange Palette)
E1 - Midge Girl (Strange Palette)
E2 - Midge Sprite (Strange Palette)
E3 - Villager: Dancer (Strange Palette)
E4 - Boy (Strange Palette)
E5 - Girl (Strange Palette)
E6 - Sprite (Strange Palette)
E7-E9 - Villager: Dancer (Strange Palette) (I don't know why they duplicated her so much.)
EA - Glitchy data
EB - Treasure Chest
EC - Statue
ED - Midge Statue
EE - Snowman
EF - Midge Snowman
F0-F2 - Moogle
F3-F5 - Midge Moogle
F6 - Midge Boy
F7 - Midge Girl
F8 - Midge Sprite
F9-FF - Glitchy data
I will also complete Jackster's incomplete Flammie sheet (he misses the animations while he rests at the Matango King's mansion and the 2nd sprite when you call him).
Oh hell yes. Are you going to actually do the playable characters?
Nope, I think I'm not made for ripping playable characters. I like backgrounds and monsters way more than sprites with 8 weapons and 9 special weapon attacks for 4 directions. Not counting the regular attacks with all this stuff and the fact that the game has 3 party members.
This one became bigger than I expected. The scrolling background has a mistake in it, but that's how it appears in the game.
(08-21-2011, 06:48 PM)Davy Jones Wrote: [ -> ]Nope, I think I'm not made for ripping playable characters. I like backgrounds and monsters way more than sprites with 8 weapons and 9 special weapon attacks for 4 directions. Not counting the regular attacks with all this stuff and the fact that the game has 3 party members.
![[Image: iconmanafortress.png]](http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/9540/iconmanafortress.png)
This one became bigger than I expected. The scrolling background has a mistake in it, but that's how it appears in the game.
I'll help out with the playable characters if you want

Wow, this would be cool =D
Once upon a time I had saves of all the alternate palettes for alternate weapons. If you need them I can probably drag them up, but it'll take a little time to assemble them with the proper weapon slash colors (it alternates between two colors I think).
Oh Lord, what the hell.
The code screws their shadows up and melts them with the regular outlines of the character. Now I have to use vSNES for every single pose to edit it.
I deleted my sheet from the previous post and will give you the new sheet soon.
That's why I capture as well, haha.
I think ant can do it, he rips giant sheets on a regular basis.

I'm really curious how this turns out.
By the way, I tried to arrange the sprite from the tiles:
This sheet reuses sprites from other poses, so I couldn't complete many of the frames. All in all, it should give you a rough idea how many sprites one character has. I believe he/she has also some unused sprites (flying like superman). If you want to watch the half-arranged sheet properly, activate your grid with 8x8 pixels.
It's also a pity that the editor for this game is still not out:
It would be a piece of cake with it.