Hi, I'm trying to get Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution to work on my Windows XP computer, but when I insert the disk my computer doesn't read it. What do I have to do? I want to start ripping models from the game.

I'm pretty sure you need to get certain programs in order to rip the models from the disc.
I have no clue what those programs are so my current suggestion as of now is to head for The Models Resource of the board, you might find you're answer there.
(08-24-2011, 09:51 PM)Diogalesu Wrote: [ -> ]I'm pretty sure you need to get certain programs in order to rip the models from the disc.
I have no clue what those programs are so my current suggestion as of now is to head for The Models Resource of the board, you might find you're answer there.
Yeah, but wont the programs be useless if my computer can't even figure out what I have in my drive?
Your computer wont be able to read whats in the drive at all without the programs
(08-25-2011, 09:42 AM)Kat Wrote: [ -> ]Your computer wont be able to read whats in the drive at all without the programs
Ok, I guess I'll go ask over there then. Thanks.

time to stab myself in the eye
most of the time your DVD drive can't read wii games because the wii reads the discs backwards (inside ring to outer ring, as opposed to the opposite "correct" method which the PS2 does). Only a few EXPENSIVE LG drives support that feature; therefore it'd be pointless for emulator devs to include it as a feature within their emulators (though I'm sure Dolphin supports it, somehow)
if you have a CDRW drive that's your first problem, lol
if you want to get the game on there somehow the easy way you'll need to get it in a data format (ISO) - and how that's achieved is up to you. Easiest method (for me, anyway) is to backup my legit games onto a WBFS hard drive and then extract the ISO format backup from there.
(08-25-2011, 10:14 AM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ]time to stab myself in the eye
most of the time your DVD drive can't read wii games because the wii reads the discs backwards (inside ring to outer ring, as opposed to the opposite "correct" method which the PS2 does). Only a few EXPENSIVE LG drives support that feature; therefore it'd be pointless for emulator devs to include it as a feature within their emulators (though I'm sure Dolphin supports it, somehow)
if you have a CDRW drive that's your first problem, lol
if you want to get the game on there somehow the easy way you'll need to get it in a data format (ISO) - and how that's achieved is up to you. Easiest method (for me, anyway) is to backup my legit games onto a WBFS hard drive and then extract the ISO format backup from there.
Well, I guess I won't be able to extract from the cd then. Thanks.