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That is a damn sexy wiggle, if I do say so myself.
I'm digging what you are doing with these tales characters. It might just be part of the style, but i thought Jade's glasses were a bit too big. So I thought I would give a try at what I thought might look better. Just a minor suggestion, obviously I don't really know what I'm doing. My edit is on the right.

[Image: Spritepreview.png?t=1222208390]
Umm, anyone mind if I take a shot at Tear? If I'm lucky I should have a sample of her by the end of the day. If you don't like it when I'm done, then that's okay. I'll try my hardest on it, though.
This project is dead; my PS2 is dead, so I have no references to continue. Sorry.

Lock thread plz.
EDIT: Nevermind, leave open.
Okay, I finished my Tear sample (well, sort of), in my opinion the body looks great, but there's just something wrong with everything else that I can't seem to put my finger on... can anybody help me out here? It might be nothing, but I thought I'd ask for a second opinion.

EDIT: I noticed one thing as I was typing this: The feet have no outlining... but that's not what I found wrong with it, although I will fix that... please help me out here. Oh yeah, and I used actual colors from a picture of Tear. Is that wrong?

[Image: tearsamplehl7.png]


Please don't call this project dead! This was an awesome project! There's a thing somewhere on the Internet (I REALLY wish I knew where it was... GRR!!!) that can tell you how to fix a PS2, and even if that doesn't work you can look at videos on YouTube (is that counted as advertisement? If so, sorry) of the motions and stuff to use! Just please, don't give up on this project until you're ENTIRELY out of options! In Dawn of the New World, someone (either Raine or Emil) said to not give up until you tried everything! You can do this! I know you can! And you have us (or at least everyone around me) to help you!
Wow you're a nerd.

Anyways. If you don't mind, Angelglory. I'd like to continue this. I'll try to finish Raven.

EDIT: Tear is ugly/Not in style.
Bah, alright. I'll leave the project open to those who want to contribute. I won't be contributing since my PS2 is dead, traded-in and gone.

EDIT: @Silentwhatever: Never try and motivate me with an inspirational speech ever again. It just made me want to hurt things.
(11-19-2008, 06:10 PM)Rags Wrote: [ -> ]Wow you're a nerd.

Anyways. If you don't mind, Angelglory. I'd like to continue this. I'll try to finish Raven.

EDIT: Tear is ugly/Not in style.

Uhh... Thanks for the help? Seriously, I'm trying to keep the project open in whatever way I can, and you're making fun of me? You're sick, dude. Just downright sick. Oh yeah, and sorry for being pretty new at this.

And whatever. I don't care whether I'm a nerd or not. All I care about is being who I am. You, on the other hand, are obviously questionable to that. But anyway, at least the project's back up, so let's just forget about this and move on. It's a healthier choice than continuing this.


At least this is still alive, that's all I wanted.

(People need to learn to be more polite around here.)

EDIT: Okay, seriously if you're going to be making fun of me (or whatever you call it), at least remember my name, for God's sake! You've done it enough times for it to have easily been pounded into your memory by now... Of course I just avoid having to memorize that kind of stuff by being courteous. Call me what you will now, but it won't bother me after this... or will it? (another sign of courtesy: making it hard for others to see if you're miffed or not)
I don't think you're in the position to talk when you necroposted two of my threads that have been dead for months. And you still can't spell my name right.

Honestly, I'd rather this thread be dead than needlessly revived just because somebody thought it should be active. But if there's somebody willing to contribute then whatever.
(11-19-2008, 08:40 PM)Angelglory Wrote: [ -> ]I don't think you're in the position to talk when you necroposted two of my threads that have been dead for months. And you still can't spell my name right.

Honestly, I'd rather this thread be dead than needlessly revived just because somebody thought it should be active. But if there's somebody willing to contribute then whatever.

Oh... Huh??? I wasn't aware of THAT... HUH???!!! Weird... I'm sorry, I guess I never noticed that... I never was very perceptive... As for the spelling of your name, so I capitalized the 'G', that's not mispelling a name, in fact that's how it says it on your 'How to Sprite in TotW style" thingy, "AngelGlory". Plus your name's right there on the reply thingy, AND I made it in 5th place in a Regional spelling bee (not trying to gloat, I'm trying to make a point), so it'd be kind of sad if I spelled it wrong.

Anyway, I'd say something about that attitude issue, but you hate it when I try to make positive speeches, so i'll omit that.

Anyway (I'm aware that I used that word twice now to begin a sentence), I don't want to start an unnecessary argument over basically nothing, which I am in fact aware that one has already been started, but can we just drop this anyway? This is neither the time or the place for it, and I've had a really bad day today, so... But seriously, I was only trying to help. I'm sorry if I made you all mad.
I have to agree wth you. It might be better off dead.

Silent Zero, just make your own thread when you finsh you sprites.
(11-19-2008, 10:43 PM)Rags Wrote: [ -> ]I have to agree wth you. It might be better off dead.

Silent Zero, just make your own thread when you finsh you sprites.

...Fine. I just want to say this was a great idea for a project, but fine.
Requesting lock of this thread.
(11-19-2008, 11:59 PM)Angelglory Wrote: [ -> ]Requesting lock of this thread.
Got it.
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