I moved this here specifically to avoid trouble, so let's just try to make this a better subject, no bashing this time, please...
Since this place does not accept direct html, I'm going to post a link to a Pokedex of my artwork I created in vector then edited in html and photoshop slices:
being taken down for construction purposes
It's till in beta stages and the artwork was created by me (excluding the pixel art sprites, which are place holders for now.)
![[Image: finished-example.png]](https://dl.dropbox.com/u/23909525/anime%20sheet%20sliced/builds/builds/finished-example.png)
*sprites with a white tint on the top and a shadow are done and can be clicked to link to an artwork of the pokemon.
![[Image: unfinished-example.png]](https://dl.dropbox.com/u/23909525/anime%20sheet%20sliced/builds/builds/unfinished-example.png)
*Sprites with regular shading and no shadow are incomplete, or not started yet, and will not be clickable, once completed they will change to the other style.
*The setup can be auto-changed, meaning you might never hear about an update, and it can be added instantly once done.
*IE cannot play direct versions of this, and possibly not at all.
*Expect slower loading as time goes on, this will get more and more graphics heavy as I go.
*All styles are subject to change
Also, I'm willing to accept ideas and improvements, but full critiques on style and workable systems are frowned upon in this topic, if you can make a post without using anything in the English dictionary that translates to, using a thesaurus or right out of the book's description, maleficent, despise, irk, horrid, or atrocious, then you should be fine.
I'm not asking for for your help, I'm just doing what I do, making art.
I'll be right on the point and say that those aren't good.
take this one for example. The lines are wobbly and pointy in places and ways it shouldn't be, and if you're still working with verctor graphics, at least take some time to learn using the bezier curve tool and avoid relying on making freehand/multiple segments.
I don't know how you colored it but it also needs work. The colors aren't bright and eyecatching like it's supposed to be, and the blurry effect only kills definition. The fact that I can't even read the logo in the corner without squinting the eye is another reason you should take more time with defining shapes better.
finally, the shading feels so artificially made, it's like the cherry on top of this visually unpleasant cake. Study shading and color theory, so you can actually give perspective and volume feeling to your works.
No offence but I think I'd be more interested if you actually did all of the art from scratch rather then edit the pictures to death.
(08-27-2011, 04:48 PM)Gors Wrote: [ -> ]I'll be right on the point and say that those aren't ready.
![[Image: 026.png]](https://dl.dropbox.com/u/23909525/anime%20sheet%20sliced/pokemon/026.png)
take this one for example. The lines are wobbly and pointy in places and ways it shouldn't be, and if you're still working with verctor graphics, please take some time to learn using the curvature tool and avoid relying on making freehand/multiple segments.
![[Image: S4Wv6.png]](http://i.imgur.com/S4Wv6.png)
I don't know how you colored it but it also needs work. The colors aren't quite that bright and eye-catching so they will need work, and the blurry effect doesn't go really show definition. The fact that I'm squinting to read the logo in the corner is another reason you should take more time with defining shapes better.
Finally, the shading feels unusual and doesn't look as accurate as it could, it's like the cherry on top of this only somewhat finished sundae. Please study shading and color theory when you get the chance, so you can give more perspective and volume feeling to your works.
Alright, I can do that, and thank you for being a gentleman about this.
I'll do some touch ups on Raichu and get back to you once they're up to par, I'll do a little bit more research on color theory and looks at a few examples of shading, too... Good use for making effects in Photoshop.
Also, when you post like that, please try to avoid the mistakes I had to correct in your critique, they're a little bit... unwelcoming...
And Kat, I just read yours... same issue,
"No offence but I think I'd be more interested if you actually did all of the art from scratch rather then edit the pictures to death."
It can be done, but next time, please phrase it like so:
"Would you consider doing more custom works instead of artwork remakes?"
And then I can simply do it, no questions asked.
I'm willing to fix your critiques now so they won't be so harsh, but please choose your words more carefully.
Well, you can't take their wording personally (and rewording it will only make them not want to help), as that causes problems. that's how all artists get better, they eat the tough critique and it shows that they aren't wimpy, if you know what I mean. It'll take some practice, but try not to let it bother you because they are just trying to help you. Believe me, I know.
The art would look better if you practiced making the outlines and inlines smoother and such. I think it's not that bad, just gotta keep going at it! Don't give up.

Honestly, at tSR, we word things so people can get the gist of it, meaning that I meant no ill intention but I word things as basic as possible so don't take it as me attacking you because I'm not, I'm just making sure that you understand me is all.
Tracing the art or eye-tracing it makes it look like you didn't put effort into it, hence why I said that you should do your own art for it. That might sound harsh but it's the truth, and I'm not just talking about the sprites either.
I do have some customs from the archive that have ye to be added, if you want all customs, I can edit the bases seprerate from the original Sugimori poses more (the good part of reusable shapes)
Also, I do have plenty customs here and there:
and this list of all of the others is pretty much sugimori artwork based, excluding a few I might have forgotten...
But you get the point... I do need to do more research and perhaps redo them sometime, but here we are again...
Falling at the same point as topic 1, Let's just agree that this needs an overhaul and leave it at that....
It's not what they're posting, it's the rude way the come off acting like they know vector better than a guy who went to school for graphics and trainer for 5 years to get where I am now... Gors doesn't even know how I color in it, so what makes him a expert on it... Also, I do not use beizer curves, I use curvature, which works a lot better for me, beizers are confusing and require more struggling that they're worth most of the time, IMO.
To point it out simply, I'll overhaul my style, but I'm not quitting this idea just yet to do it, I'm going to expand it more and then change as I go.
So I'll get the base set up, and then work from there.
I actually really like most of your custom work.
I'm not telling you to quit the idea or that I can vector better then you, I'm just telling you it looks traced and I am a fan of pokemon, meaning any other pokefan can tell that too and well if it looks like you did little work to pull it off then it seems like you don't care and if you don't care then why should we.
Instead of making a base or copying bits and peices of the offical work, freehand it. It will look like you took more pride in it then you are now.
Edit: I might as well add that just because you went to school for it and trained how to do it for 5 years doesn't mean you are better at it then everyone else nor as skilled as someone who has been doing it less then you because talent is a subjective thing.
Also just because we dunno how to do it, doesn't mean we can't tell when something looks bad.
read Kat's post for emphasis.
basically, yes. I do not know how to use beziers.
I do not know how to use certain tools in whatever software you happen to use.
but it doesn't need to be a professional to see that it doesn't look good at all.
I suggested bezier curves because I know it gives smoother lines than your attempt with broken lines. See this example of art and compare with yours:
![[Image: cyber_robot-small.jpg]](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Ub86mfvfJG4/TWTVOk_bUwI/AAAAAAAAABs/x_2bc0Kd2jI/s1600/cyber_robot-small.jpg)
example with bezier curve generated outlines
![[Image: Zoroark.png]](https://dl.dropbox.com/u/23909525/pokemon%20artwork/Zoroark.png)
your work
The fact that I don't know how to use bezier curves isn't a valid reason to ignore it.
Also, about the colors. I said that the colors were dull, boring and too artificial. Well, grab your pokémon again and compare with the official art:
see how the shading here gives the character a better sense of volume. Notice the hues and how the highlights hit the body.
I also don't have a clue on how to achieve that effect. But I already know it's better than your work.
so, it doesn't matter if I don't know or you studied for 5 whole years. Bad techniques are bad and good techniques are good.
On topic: Because the current html setup is clearly lacking in quality, i'm going to take it down for now, and start individualizing the art.
during this time, nothing new will be added to the topic for awhile.
OK, dude, would it kill you to say at least one nice thing about my art, at all...
You've made valid points, fine... I'm learning from them, but beating me up over them doesn't help me, it makes me feel insufficient.
I'm going to assign YOU a project,
Tell me 1 compliment MINIMUM about my art as is...
I've heard every bad comment in the book from you, could probably site them all in a large enough sum to make a book myself, too...
But would you at LEAST try to post something that isn't beating me down over my style or methods...
For the many years I've been around, nobody on Earth has ever hated or basically threw me to the ground the way you do...
If my art sucks so badly,then you should get a fantastic challenge from this...
Also, critiques only get you so far in life, ever wonder why professional critics aren't really heard of on the news, in the media, or mostly anywhere you can imagine other than online? Professional critiques also have something you would lack, Experience in the Area of choice...
If you don't know vector, then shading/colors/mecahnics would be a mystery to you...
If I gave you a project, it would be revenge city, but I'm above that anyways.
Anyways, when I first talked with you, I had no respect for you because I didn't know you, but now, you're basically worse than the guy I ever met...
You backed your sources up quite well, that's fine... but as long as this is my topic, I get full say in what I use it for within reason.
I have had no enemies in my lifetime, don't become my first...
Lol what? Gors is not being malicious at you at all and he is only trying to help.
WE DON'T HAVE TO BE GOOD AT VECTORS TO KNOW THAT YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING WRONG. Sorry I had to yell that but you seemed to skip over that part in my post.
He is only trying to help you improve which is what we do here at tSR, we don't compliment, we help you get better.
Please stop expecting him to kiss your ass, thats not the purpose of this forum. So stop taking it as a personal attack when someone doesn't compliment you and only critiques you because it isn't an attack.
OK... I'm just going to drop this convo before this gets any worse, because I'll prove to you I have learned from my last one.
You're right, I take things too personally sometimes, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong about Gors...
If you don't want to at least tell him to scale back on his comments over my apparently shitty work, that's fine... I don't want to fight anymore, I just want to show up here, present my stuff, offer ideas, learn, and have FUN...
I am learning, and intend to keep learning. but no more arguing here, I'm getting sick of being in it, and sick of causing it.
You know, Gors is giving decent critique, and even though he isn't some kind of vector master, he IS making vaild points.
By the way, Gors is probably one of the most courteous of critics you could ever hope to get a critique out of here. I'm just saying that if you keep on bashing people for trying to help, you might be in for a rude awakening when someone who ISN'T as level-headed decides to give you a word of advice.
Now you are being a whine-butt, stop it. You are welcome to have fun, we are all for that, BUT IF YOU POST YOUR ART HERE DON'T EXPECT COMPLEMENTS FROM ANYONE. Thats not the reason why the art forum exists, he isn't even calling your art shitty, he is just pointing out whats wrong with it so you can fix it.
If you don't like it then don't post your art here because Gors is not being harsh on you at all and I'd hate to see what happens if one of the other really seasoned artists around here tried to help as they are harsher.
You are welcome to post in other areas or other topics in this area, but keep in mind that it is in the rules to not make unhelpful posts in the art areas and a compliment isn't help.
Locking because the OP can't handle criticism so I know this would end even worse if I left this open.
you will not be an artist unless you stop being an idiot and realising that criticisms doesn't equal to asslicking.
I could care more at helping you improve but if you're going to ignore my criticism in favor of compliments then you shouldn't be posting here. CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE.
now, if you stop whining for a second, understand what others and I said about your work, sit down and fix your stuff, then I might reconsiderate. Your choice, tho.