And after 5 attempts at spelling "back" right in that title, i'd like to think i'm commited this time.
So i used to be called Sitanel on these here forums, but couldnt get into my old accoutn due to password scrambling/change in e-mail, but i left when my life kinda went a bit fuzzy and spriting wasnt my priority, but, now i've moved into 3D modelling and Games Design i'm hoping that works just as well here.
I'll be starting a topic takign requests to make peoples characters in 3D soon enough, so keep an eye out for that guys, other than that, it's good to be back!
I remember your username but nothing about you, unfortunately. Good to have you back, I guess?
Heey, welcome back!
Hope it works this time around!
Mike here was one of the three guys behind tSRadio. That is infact where he got the name Mike...
His microphone was shitty so me and Jonathan decided that since we can't pronounce his name, we would just call him Mike instead.
Welcome back bud
Yeah and Kinda Star Wars
Welcome back!
(09-06-2011, 12:37 AM)LeleleleMAXIMUM Wrote: [ -> ]whore you
I definitely did my best to explain in my first post but, guess i have to attempt to make a new name for myself nowadays.
(09-06-2011, 12:46 AM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]I remember your username but nothing about you, unfortunately. Good to have you back, I guess?
Ahhhh, I remember you so we're all good, on my part anyways.
(09-06-2011, 07:52 AM)Rakia Wrote: [ -> ]Heey, welcome back!
Hope it works this time around!
You were actually one of the people i was hoping was still around, need to message you about some stuff when i have a few minutes, hopefully!
(09-07-2011, 02:34 PM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]Mike here was one of the three guys behind tSRadio. That is infact where he got the name Mike...
His microphone was shitty so me and Jonathan decided that since we can't pronounce his name, we would just call him Mike instead.
Welcome back bud
Wish i could say i have new mic, but nope, actually have a worse one instead, well, 2 worse ones... Guess i'm sticking to my names purpose
(09-07-2011, 04:44 PM)Previous Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah and Kinda Star Wars
Welcome back!
I'm actually shocked that games still remembered! I tried finding out the demos a couple of days ago which is what led me back here, but no luck unfortunately...
Aaaah remember Kinda Star Wars.
Man that was awhile ago.
Welcome back to TSR, Mike! Hope to see your models and you find yourself a new mike soon!