a thing I whipped up for september 7th (tomorrow, Independence of Brazil).
there's not much to say :I
Yay for Brazilian patriotism!
....There is any except for World Cup?
Heh, cute
so you just copy and pasted a bunch of things on a picture
gj bro real creative
(just kidding. looks nice.

He did more than the rest of us would do
really? I have no problems reading it fine, though.
I'll see if other people have trouble reading it, then I'll try shuffling some of its pixels.
You tried to to a fat chin or something, right? It came out weird, I had to stop to check it out better too
Am I crazy for not seeing anything resembling a beard?
When I zoom into the sprite, I can recognize that she's supposed to look up:
But these lines (recoloured in black) give me an impression that she's having a beard:
Just sayin', maybe I'm the only one who sees weird things.
well, now that you've elaborated, I must say that I really don't know what you are talking about...
First impression: A beard?
Zoom: mmmh, no it's something else, but these lines gave me this impression.
*scratches head*
Well, whatever~