...amazing. I love your music. So much. I had no idea you could compose. In fact, I'm trying to compose some music. It's not that good, though.
100%'d jetters' sheet. Robo9 will be next
(obviously the cape is missing in a lot of frames; feel free to make them, if you want. I'll be working on other characters)
The bunnies are so adorable! ILU Gors-san. ;~;
I've been making this project's other aspects, such as gameplay txts and music sampling, but I think those aren't as interesting, heh. I'll try making some sprites this weekend

You know you want to finally finish Jetters' cape.
i'd rather have SFXs like smoke, fire and explosions. and the hit and block markers.
Considering this is TSR and all, I really feel all the sfx should be 8-bit. But, that's just me...
what does 8-bit have to do with tsr at all
Doesn't every newcomer who thinks they know what 8-bit is get it completely 100% wrong?
EDIT: Either way, Gors already has some radulartastic music coming along

i meant the graphic effects for those. i forgot sfx stands for sound effects.
for some reason I was reminded of visual effects when met said sfx
true bullet bros .o/
(04-19-2012, 11:16 PM)Iceman404 Wrote: [ -> ]Considering this is TSR and all, I really feel all the sfx should be 8-bit. But, that's just me...
That would be style clashing
i'd replace that black circle at the start with a white one.
That sure puts my explosions to shame.
Awesome job.