A couple updates to previous submissions.
First of all, the Heavy Lobster sprite was missing its destruction animation because it was included in a separate file. This has now been fixed:
Secondly, the Kirby RPG Attacks sheet included some Galaxia sprites that were actually not part of the attack animation but rather an enemy that Kirby has to defeat before he obtains that attack. They have now been separated into two files:
![[Image: KMA_GalaxiaRPG-P.png]](http://jermungandr.net/sprites/icons/Kirby_Mass_Attack_%28DS%29/KMA_GalaxiaRPG-P.png)
Putting them up now!
Hmm. Check it out. See if it's where it's supposed to be.
Looks like you put all the new stuff in the right places but the corrections I mentioned on the previous page still need to be made.
Geez, how many minigames are there?

(08-11-2012, 09:20 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]Geez, how many minigames are there? 
Depends on if you want to include the ones that actually appear in-level.
The unlockable ones are Field Frenzy, Brawl Ball, Strato Patrol, Kirby Quest, Curtain Call, and a Boss Rush if you want to count that.
But also within the actual game levels you have stuff like the surfing game and a pachinko game and fishing games and the UFO games and a fruit catching game et cetera et cetera. This game seriously just has an overwhelming amount of content in general.
Oh hey another update--
(08-11-2012, 08:51 PM)Drshnaps Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: KMA_ShineBrightEOS-P.png]](http://www.jermungandr.net/sprites/icons/Kirby_Mass_Attack_(DS)/KMA_ShineBrightEOS-P.png)
(08-11-2012, 08:51 PM)Drshnaps Wrote: [ -> ]Strato Patrol EOS:
![[Image: KMA_CharSelectEOS-P.png]](http://www.jermungandr.net/sprites/icons/Kirby_Mass_Attack_(DS)/KMA_CharSelectEOS-P.png)
Is King Dedede unlockable in Strato Patrol EOS? Or is this just beta? If the former, do you know how?
Woah. King Dedede was going to be playable in Strato Patrol EOS?! O_o
That would've been the most awesome thing ever.
Just when you thought you were finally safe, I swoop in out of the darkness with a new update, like a ninja!
- Update to Existing Submission -
- Kirby Brawl Ball -
- Miscellaneous -
Some of these are ones I ripped forever ago and never got around to uploading; you can tell which ones those are from the fonts in the descriptions, since I couldn't figure out which font I was using before.
A couple of these are missing elements but I haven't been able to find them yet; I'll probably update the sheets if I ever do.
The Misc. Brawl Ball sheet contains some things I believe are beta elements, but I'm not a hundred percent sure. I mean I just today found out about the slot machine minigame, so it's possible there's just some things I haven't seen yet.
Okay now with that out of the way, time to deal with other issues:
(09-28-2011, 04:54 PM)Barubary Wrote: [ -> ] (09-27-2011, 11:35 AM)Drshnaps Wrote: [ -> ]I have run into an issue with Oil of Vitiol. It doesn't seem to want to open any of the strictly US files. For example, in the rpg folder, "rpg_down_obj_US" (all four file types).
That's because they're not strictly Nitro files, but rather a collection of Nitro files in one. Use this to unpack them;
java -jar GenericBUnpacker.jar -sizefirst filename1 filename2 ...
(if you downloaded this generic unpacker before, re-download it. Some bugs have been fixed, which prevented you form using the -sizefirst option without getting into an endless loop)
I should have brought this up way back when this reply was made but I guess I was just felt stupid and embarrassed ... I
seriously have no idea what to do with this. I assumed the command you gave was supposed to be used in a cmd prompt, but it keeps telling me that java isn't a valid command (and I really don't know how to use cmd anyways). I tried using Google to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to be doing but I couldn't figure it out for the life of me.
This is a surprise! Great stuff! I'll start putting it up asap!
Why not upload directly to the site? It'll save time

Small update, which was apparently approved with lighting speed. That was kind of creepy; do you guys just sit around waiting for people to upload stuff?
![[Image: 57319.png]](http://www.spriters-resource.com/resources/sheet_icons/54/57319.png)