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Full Version: Darth RPG's Castlevania rips
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[Image: Julius-Icon.png] [Image: HeadHunter-Icon.png] [Image: Richter-Icon.png] [Image: Intro%20HoD-Icon.png] [Image: Story-Icon.png]

Smithy and Badbatman are not the only ones who rip Castlevania ^^
Aw man...I was gonna rip that sometime. Sad

Well anyway, nice job done. Great to see another castlevania ripper show up.

Also if you don't know the font if Verdana size 7 in the light grey color of the icon.
The font is Verdana 7 in the light grey color in the TSR icon sheet. And I don't know how to AA fix it. I turned of the cleartype on desktop effects but still it's AA'd.
Great rips, and awesome icons, just sad about the font Sad
Icon fixed, I guess.
Excellent, nice one!
[Image: Richter-Icon.png]

This one was though.
[Image: Intro%20HoD-Icon.png] [Image: Story-Icon.png]
That Richter sheet is missing his forward arial attack, if you rip that I think it's complete
You mean when he whips while jumping? It uses same sprite as whipping in the floor
No, there's a special move, similar to the up attack, except you go forwards a large distance instead.
The move is up, up left, left, down left, down, down right, right, and attack.

Sorry, if there was a word for a specific diagonal direction, I'd say it.
Ahh in the end I got it, thanks! Also I added Item Crashes and damaged poses. I'd say it's complete ^^
So now Richter's done, eh? That's good, now all that's left in Symphony are item effects and item inventory stuff.
Excellent job!
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