09-30-2011, 05:15 PM
10-01-2011, 05:44 AM
Three things:
2. Don't use bmp & jpg as an image format, the first is normally too big and the second completely destroys the quality of your sprite sheet.
Quote:[Image: C:\Documents and Settings\Family\My Docu...sprite.bmp]1. This doesn't work, use a image hoster like imageshack.us, min.us, etc.
2. Don't use bmp & jpg as an image format, the first is normally too big and the second completely destroys the quality of your sprite sheet.
Quote:Don't ask where I got them from.3. Obviously from a game. But which one? How do the originals look? How much from your sheet is edited and how much is actually used from the template? Is it a good edit accomplished with hard work or just a lazy edit with no effort?
10-02-2011, 09:17 AM
Huh. Whaddya know? Learn something new everyday!
'Goin back to sprite some more Sponge!

'Goin back to sprite some more Sponge!