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(11-18-2011, 07:36 PM)Streeper Creeper Wrote: [ -> ]worse than "Majora's Mask" tier.
But that's every Zelda game ever other than Majora's Mask itself...
(11-18-2011, 10:58 PM)Sploder Wrote: [ -> ] (11-18-2011, 07:36 PM)Streeper Creeper Wrote: [ -> ]worse than "Majora's Mask" tier.
But that's every Zelda game ever other than Majora's Mask itself...
Heh, Wind Waker..
(11-18-2011, 08:46 PM)Streeper Creeper Wrote: [ -> ]Even the weakest non-cdi Zelda is a good game.
actually really wrong
(11-18-2011, 10:58 PM)Sploder Wrote: [ -> ] (11-18-2011, 07:36 PM)Streeper Creeper Wrote: [ -> ]worse than "Majora's Mask" tier.
But that's every Zelda game ever other than Majora's Mask itself...
Sure if we go by fan opinion solely. The critics weren't as fond of it as they were Ocarina however, so they end up being lumped in the same tier.
And yes, despite the controls and mandatory backtracking, both Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks were still entertaining. They're just heavily outclassed by stuff like Minish Cap and Link's Awakening which are also handheld entries.
Thats also by Fan Opinions.
Stop claiming your opinion is right and others is wrong. Opinion is a subjective thing and not everyone is going to agree with yours, in fact it seems as if most of us actually disagree with your opinion on what is the best Legend of Zelda game or who knows how to review games properly, so why don't we just stop this convo here and not let it get worse?
btw, MM all the way bby

(11-19-2011, 05:16 AM)Kat Wrote: [ -> ]btw, MM all the way bby 
So while I'm at it I kinda want this game.
sadly, too poor to even buy a 3ds game, so I'll have to wait until I get the cash or when it's cheaper.
So Skyward Sword came yesterday. Don't worry, i wont post any spoilers.
I highly recommend all of you who are getting it dig out an old standard-def TV like I did.
Because it looks TERRIBLE on a huge 1080p TV.
On the standard def tv it looks beautiful.
I'm on the boss of the second dungeon atm, it's been really fun so far but beware, it feels very mario galaxy. (That can either be a very good thing or a very bad thing depending on your preference)
A couple other things i'd like to say:
-The characters designs are very interesting as are the animations, and the characters feel like they have a lot of personality.
-Cutscenes are great and the story is told fabulously so far.
(11-19-2011, 12:43 AM)Streeper Creeper Wrote: [ -> ] (11-18-2011, 10:58 PM)Sploder Wrote: [ -> ] (11-18-2011, 07:36 PM)Streeper Creeper Wrote: [ -> ]worse than "Majora's Mask" tier.
But that's every Zelda game ever other than Majora's Mask itself...
Sure if we go by fan opinion solely. The critics weren't as fond of it as they were Ocarina however, so they end up being lumped in the same tier.
And yes, despite the controls and mandatory backtracking, both Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks were still entertaining. They're just heavily outclassed by stuff like Minish Cap and Link's Awakening which are also handheld entries.
wait are you actually trying to create concrete zelda tiers? like, using reception from the fans and critics to make legitimate, solid zelda tiers?
haha what
Oh there are tiers
Only two though
Majora's Mask-Tier
And Everything-Else-Tier
i'm just kidding, please don't send me any angry emails, i really don't need my inbox spamming up with angry oot fans right now, i'm expecting an important email from it'
(11-19-2011, 11:21 AM)Woppet* Wrote: [ -> ]Oh there are tiers
Only two though
Majora's Mask-Tier
And Everything-Else-Tier
i'm just kidding, please don't send me any angry emails, i really don't need my inbox spamming up with angry oot fans right now, i'm expecting an important email from it'
he's not kidding, he's actually right
I've just been messing around in Skyloft for a while and its awesome.
Majora's Mask fans will be very happy to hear that Skyloft is the closest any town has every been to Clocktown in a Zelda game. (Besides Clocktown itself obviously.
Especially at night, it really has that 'feeling' that Clocktown has.
Wow, I was already listening to that as I entered the thread.
haha oh you guys
we all know Link's Awakening and Link to the Past are the best zelda games
Majora's mask is just the best 3D one
B-But, that's wrong.
Oracle of Ages/Seasons are the best 2D Zelda games.
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