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is anyone else like
really hyped for this game
For a while I was sure it would suck, but as more and more information is getting released I've slowly been getting more and more hyped, and now I almost can't wait.
plus get a load of this guy
now thats some inspired character design
I kinda am.
I mean, I'm not, like, particularly HYPED for it, but it is one of just two games on my buy list.
I preordered the special edition.
that guy
I will marry him
I'll get it if my cousin doesn't, it looks like it'll be one of the best Zeldas yet.
Hyping the hell out of it, if a Zelda game were going to top Wind Waker, this will be the one that grasps my heart and snatches #1
I'm really excited. I have it pre-ordered but I'm making sure I don't watch any of the gameplay videos or read up on it at all.
I don't want to over-hype it and be disappointed or know everything about it before I even play it like i did with Twilight Princess.
I have it preordered at game stop, and I'll be able to add it to my collection.
The Minish Cap
A Link to the Past + 4 swords
Zelda II - The adventure of Link + Ocarina of Time + Majora's Mask
Ocarina of Time + Master Quest
Four Swords Adventures
The Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
Wow more then I thought I had.

Cool remote.
Quote:I don't want to over-hype it and be disappointed or know everything about it before I even play it like i did with Twilight Princess.
That's exactly what I'm afraid of.
Though, for some reason I have a very good feeling about this game. Hopefully, those feelings will be justified.
Didn't care for it at first but the trailers have turned me around a bit. Probably borrow it off my Bro once he's completed the smeg out of it.
I still wish they'd use the technology they have though. I mean is voice-overs REALLY that much to ask for?
I'd much rather wait to see how good this game really is before I hype the shit out of my jizzing pants.
My family Wii has been through a lot of shit and shows ugly artifacts all over the screen, and it's on the floor in the middle of the living room so it can easily be knocked over. Definitely gonna have to buy myself a new Wii for this game
(10-01-2011, 12:47 PM)masterofthething Wrote: [ -> ]I'd much rather wait to see how good this game really is before I hype the shit out of my jizzing pants.
but by then it would be out and you wouldn't be able to hype it for very long
honestly hype is not a bad thing, it doesn't matter how much you hype a game if it's good it's good and if it's bad it's bad
twilight princess wasn't bad because it was overly hyped, it was just a mediocre game
twilight princess wasn't really a bad game, it just didn't seem like a Zelda game.
it wasn't the radically different art style or weird map layout that made it seem so different either,
it was all those uninspired minor characters, like those kids, and shad and the gang, who nobody cared about.
they made the game feel corny and honestly didn't motivate me to save the world they lived in at all; and even worst they tired to steal links spotlight.
also the combat sucked, just like in wind waker
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