So, I'm a college student now. It's pretty scary and I'm not going to lie, its difficult. I only recently decided my major, thankfully I have the rest of the semester to really settle on it, but I think it's going to stick. I decided to major in film production. (I'd love to be a director, but I might be an editor) I realized that it was important for me to do what I enjoy, even if I might not be successful in it. I almost ended up doing pharmaceutical studies. Yikes!
Anyway, what is your major? What do you want to be? If you're not in college/university yet, what do you want to major in?
I'm going for a Video Game Design major, but I might double major in Audio Engineering.
Computer Science all the way.
Game design and hopefully double in animation.
So far, I'm thinking about majoring in something that involves writing, like Journalism or Rhetoric. But as of now, I'm officially undeclared; I wanna take some time and figure out what's right for me instead of jumping right into a major in my freshman year; my brother did that, and he regrets it.
Mechanical engineering, with a minor in mathematics.
I get paid to do math.

Political Science.
Computer Programming.
makin some decisions, here.
right now i'm just "liberal arts"
(10-09-2011, 04:22 PM)RétroX Wrote: [ -> ]Computer Science all the way.
Heck yes, Computer Science
Game Design as my major, Computer Science as my minor/fallback plan.
Either music or quantum physics. Depending on which one I choose also kinda determines on where I'll go to college.
Computer Graphics and Interactive Design
That's the official title.
All of us Computer programming/game design/ graphics students should get together and make one hell of a game.