(11-21-2011, 09:34 PM)DioShiba Wrote: [ -> ]He's been suspended and possibly faces losing his job at this point. And side from getting a bunch of hate mail from various people on the internet. This is good enough for that sick asshole and it makes me wonder how the protesters can stay this peaceful to crap like this.
Honestly, despite the awful responses by police regarding the protests, remaining peaceful about it is probably one of the best things the protestors can do to win public support. There are still a lot of people the don't agree with the protestors and their cause for different reasons, but IMO it takes a huge bastard to see a cop pepperspraying calmly-sitting students at point-blank range and think that the problem lies with the protestors and not asshole cops. In fact, I've seen at least a few people change their view on the protests after seeing some of the police brutality videos.
I remember hearing that while the pepperspraying was going on, one of the cops held open protestors' mouths and sprayed directly down their throats. I'd have to double-check my sources, though I can see that happening sadly.
the most good thing is over here where they showed a black guy and then play martin.
Anyway not a good news. but thank for awareness
Which is definitely going to worry me, since Occupy Philadelphia's happening over here and they came within a block of my campus during one of their marches.
You know maybe the protestors need some sort of leader to guide them. I'm just saying. A leader would make things more focused, turn all the voices into one strong voice.
I'll just leave this here.
Studies of the effects of capsaicin on human physiology, anecdotal experience with field use of pepper spray, and controlled exposure of correctional officers in training have shown adverse effects on the lungs, larynx, middle airway, protective reflexes, and skin. Behavioral and mental health effects also may occur if pepper spray is used abusively.
but this is apparently the 'humane' way to deal with protestors.
(11-23-2011, 12:49 PM)Stabsinthe Wrote: [ -> ] (11-23-2011, 08:13 AM)DioShiba Wrote: [ -> ] (11-23-2011, 06:16 AM)Woppet* Wrote: [ -> ] (11-22-2011, 07:52 PM)DioShiba Wrote: [ -> ]Speaking of this whole peaceful thing I doubt that it will last for long.
I have been wondering when people would start going insane and you know what, it's obvious this protest will end in some form of riot if people keep on doing crap like this.
Don't know about the other two but the Daily Mail is not a good source of anything and will try to make the protestors look bad.
to be fair (unless the image is Photoshoped) the guy kind of brought it upon himself and the rest of the protesters.
![[Image: bowVj.gif]](http://i.imgur.com/bowVj.gif)
only stating how people would view it if they heard about it lady. Besides if I remember correctly the health thing was sort of an issue.
Don't get me wrong about how I see the protests. I support it, but shit like that is what's going to get people to view this thing the wrong way. If anything I meant that whatever one protester does regardless of whether it has to do with the protests, it's going to get them a bad reputation. That's why I think they shouldn't prove the public that the media is actually right about things like health concerns or some other dumb thing they claim.
One of the protesters signing the book i was talking about earlier in the thread
![[Image: 391285_10150565555060558_809165557_11663...1115_n.jpg]](https://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/391285_10150565555060558_809165557_11663263_679631115_n.jpg)
(11-23-2011, 07:40 AM)Stabsinthe Wrote: [ -> ]I'll just leave this here.
Studies of the effects of capsaicin on human physiology, anecdotal experience with field use of pepper spray, and controlled exposure of correctional officers in training have shown adverse effects on the lungs, larynx, middle airway, protective reflexes, and skin. Behavioral and mental health effects also may occur if pepper spray is used abusively.
but this is apparently the 'humane' way to deal with protestors.
Not to mention death is a very real possibility, mainly for people with asthma or certain drugs in their systems. (Sorry if that was in the article you linked. Admittedly I skimmed it but I didn't notice if that was mentioned or not.)