This is my first rip, so don't be too hard on me. I plan on ripping a lot from this game (if I can). Even if I had to go through a pain-staking method, I got there eventually! Thanks a lot to Friedslick for helping me out!
Also, I plan on custom T-posing this (if possible, I think I know how)
![[Image: 310787_311061728910690_100000205954694_1...7826_n.jpg]](
Hmm... Considering T-Posing, there's three possibilities outside of manual model editing.
Firstly, you could try capturing the model using
3DVia Printscreen. 3DVia Printscreen sometimes reads the model from indirect memory, resulting in an unposed capture. After taking the capture, you can check the resulting .3dxml with the 3DXML Viewer linked on the same page, and if the desired model is unposed you may want to import it into 3D Studio Max using KoichiSenada's
.3dxml import script.
The script requires that you make and save a new scene through the script, load the capture and read it in that order. Also, textures from the imported capture are saved in the "C:\Documents and Settings\*\My Documents\3dsmax\sceneassets" directory by default, with * being your computer's username.
Secondly, you could try searching for/making a model extraction methods for the game. The PS23DFormat wiki has a page on a model extraction method for
Ty The Tasmanian Tiger, and perhaps this method also works for the files within Ty 3 (for the PS2, of course.) Even though this method is very basic and only includes the model's mesh, you could combine the mesh with the other data obtained by your 3D Ripper DX/3DVia Printscreen capture through a model editor.
Lastly, you could try searching for/making a code that makes the game from loading a particular animation or none, or changing the model from something with no animation to the desired model. The code could then be loaded into Dolphin.
Good luck with your project, it already looks about perfect aesthetic-wise.
I tried using 3DVia Printscreen but the emulator pretty much exploded. First it warped me to my most recent save state, then I tried again and it just came up with a whole bunch of error messages :/
Have you made sure that 3DVia Printscreen's hotkeys aren't conflicting with Dolphin's hotkeys?
I set my capture hotkey to "Numpad+" because it isn't used by Dolphin for anything.
Oh yeah, I forgot to say that it shouldn't be conflicting as I set the capture key to F12.
Well, some hotkey in Dolphin must be set to F12 if the program loaded a savestate upon pressing it. Try a non-F key.
I managed to get it working, no T-poses, though.
Shame. Well you could try that second or third method I posted, or try manually posing it yourself. I wouldn't know how you would manually pose it though, but I suppose you would start with a capture of TY in an open position with arms outward and legs parted (like a jumping animation.)
You could always post the posed model to the site instead.
I'll give custom posing a go, if not: the idle pose is going to have to do.
Thanks for all your help, you've been an utter legend!

T-Posing has begun! When I ripped the jumping, it didn't really work well for me, so I just edited the idle pose:
![[Image: 389304_311456338871229_100000205954694_1...4192_n.jpg]](
Wow, awesome work! Wish I could do that. You might want to use the example model of TY on the PS23DFormat wiki I linked before as a pose reference. It's kinda messy, but good enough for a base.
Do you have any other plans after completing this project?
I only have the first game. Man that game was fun!
Keep up the good work man!
(10-28-2011, 06:33 PM)Friedslick6 Wrote: [ -> ]Do you have any other plans after completing this project?
Well, for TY I'm going to try and rip more characters (Sly, Shazza, Ranger Ken etc) some Quinkan and some rangs (if it all works ok)
After this? Maybe stuff from the other TY games

Or any Gamecube game that hasn't been ripped from yet. I might try rip some SA2:B stages and port them to BlitzSonic. Not too sure yet!
Do not bump topics from over a year ago, especially if you're not gonna say anything worthwhile!
I mean, the links are broken, for frack's sake! What are you even talking about?