So I finally decided to join. Well, actually Dazz convinced me, but still!
Some of you might recognize me, or at least the name. I do some sprite stuff, but I'm mainly here for the models. In fact, I'm going to be updating the Models Resource!
I can't really think of what else to say. I'm hoping I'll have fun here, and I look forward to helping out with stuff!

Well hello there! I thought you were already a member, but I may be mistaken. Welcome to TSR!
Dinner Sonic has told me all about you.

He also showed me some of your models and they are just superb. I'm really glad to see you here!
Oh hey, I remember you from 72dpi! You probably don't remember me, but I used to go by Jester Frog there, and that probably still doesn't ring any bells.
But anyway, hey, welcome aboard! Glad to have you around!
All I can say, is much love.
@Mighty Jetters: I've heard a bit about you as well. Glad to finally meet you!

@Tellis: I recognize that name! I'm afraid I don't remember much else, though. It's been too long!
Yeah, I started a hack of Joy Mech Fight, replacing the characters with various forumites, but I kind of lost motivation for it as the forum started to kind of lose steam. Other than that, I was a content maker of middling skill, a few skins (mostly sprites but some custom) and some maps. Yeah, been way too long.
Hello and welcome (well sort of welcome, since you've been around for a while)! I was in a similar situation to you actually. I had been sort of lurking for years and then thought about it one day and figured I might as well join. I didn't have a specific reason for joining like you did (although one soon arose) but it's similar enough

I'm glad you're going to be helping with TMR! Shadowth117 just couldn't do it all himself...
You seem to be pretty intelligent on the subject for the job!