Next month, what are you gonna be asking for Christmas? I'm asking for an Aqua Blue Nintendo 3DS with Sonic Generations, Super Mario 3D Land, and more. I'm also asking for dice, Spongebob DVDs, Mario Party 4, Mario Party 6, Fortune Street, and Mario Party 9. Tell me what you are asking for Christmas.
Tell me, where are you going to find Mario Party 6? I've been looking for years and they're all too expensive...
I'm asking for nothing other than my family enjoys the gifts I'm buying them.
Because I'm gonna be literally broke by the end of it.
Mario Party 6 is on Amazon. I can get this with ease.
I want a CyberpowerPC Gamer Ultra GUA106 AMD Athlon II X2 260 3.2GHz Gaming Computer.

Same thing I wanted last year: I want everyone else to have a merry Christmas.
I must stop christmas from coming but how
Convince everyone it's a holiday not for buying materialistic items and gifts, but for celebrating the birth of the savior of the Christian religion?
(11-05-2011, 03:00 PM)Gorsal Sr. Wrote: [ -> ]I must stop christmas from coming but how
get everyone to believe that the world's ending on the 24th
anyhoo, I don't ask for much anymore. Maybe get some new tshirts or something, idk
Sonic Generations Collectors edition for 360, TLOZ: Skyward Sword and a book on how to program in java.
Only thing I could think of that I'd want is a 2TB hard drive. My three 250GBs are almost filled up now. <:3c
PS3's to drop in price so I can get one and finally play Metal Gear Solid 4

(11-05-2011, 03:09 PM)[robo9] Wrote: [ -> ]Convince everyone it's a holiday not for buying materialistic items and gifts, but for celebrating the birth of the savior of the Christian religion?
Oh boohoo, it's evolved from it's origin, the tragedy.
All I'm asking for is a few of the games I can't afford to get now, and a trenchcoat. Other than that, I'm gonna try to get my mom and dad something, and whoever I draw for DreamTheater forums Secret Santa.
(11-05-2011, 05:37 PM)ant19831983 Wrote: [ -> ]PS3's to drop in price so I can get one and finally play Metal Gear Solid 4 
Have fun playing a movie and waiting for the game to install for an hour every time you beat a chapter.