Well basically this is a unfinished sprite sheet from Megaman Battle Network 4 (Blue Moon) these are the viruses ive encountered up to the bat guy it's not very good seeing its my first sprite sheet
Edit: This is Png now
Save it as PNG instead. (not 24 bit, PNG!)
It would've looked awesome, if it wasn't for the blurrying up by the jpg format. You might want to add some more stuff maybe. And I don't think a poll was nessacary for a thread like this.
Yo say you made it a .png, but it is still AA-ed.
If you plan on ripping anything, please get more than a few frames of each animation. The met's shockwave is about 4 frames long and you only have one.
Ok thanks all for the suggestions I'll try to do better next time

...hmm, he took that quite well.
Yes, that's unusual considering how many people get so deefnsive at the slightest amount of criticism when they request it. Kudos to you, NHW.
It might be PNG but it stil has the crappy quality of JPG
That's because the OP saved like this: BMP -> JPG -> PNG
It should have been done like this: BMP -> PNG
(08-20-2008, 09:53 AM)Ngamer01 Wrote: [ -> ]That's because the OP saved like this: BMP -> JPG -> PNG
It should have been done like this: BMP -> PNG
I know that but I meant:
Well you might saved it as PNG now, but once a JPG always a JPG (unless un JPGed, but that means re-rip it.)