Everyone's (okay, my) favorite sock-wearing star is 19 today!
Happy birthday Angie. Hope it doesn't sock.
Happy B-day Hoshi no Socku.
I don't know you yet but have a happy birthday anyways!
happy birthday starsock!!
Happy Birthday Angie! Have a radular birthday C:
Have a nice birthday!

a kid was beaten with socks containing soap yesterday at school and it made the news
what a coincidence
Thanks everyone! It was a good day and things've been going better than they were before. I got to eat at red lobster today to celebrate, yum. I preordered Skyward Sword so I hope it's a good late present when it comes out.
OMG I missed another amazing person's birthday, WHY?
Fwah, happy late birthday anyway and have zillions more of them.