Yeah I need some advice guys. Its been a long long time and I usually break the ice with Mario.
As you can see this Mario's a stiff zombie with a cold blank stare, and lots of other problems.
I'd like to get some help please. Tell me what I should do... Thanks.
His eyes and shoes should be bigger adn his hat should have some more volume to it. Or at leas thats how it looks right to me. Hope that helps some.

Are you sure his eyes are bigger hm... Perhaps you mean the pupils? I'm not sure why but they make Mario look like he's got a dead stare instead of looking forward.
Yeah I see what you mean about the hat and shoes though. Thanks.
thickening his eyebrow could give more 'emotion' in his face.
Also He's a tad bit tall in the leg area, needs to be a bit more stubbier.
(11-17-2011, 09:46 PM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Are you sure his eyes are bigger hm... Perhaps you mean the pupils? I'm not sure why but they make Mario look like he's got a dead stare instead of looking forward.
Yeah I see what you mean about the hat and shoes though. Thanks.
you could add 1 white pixel to the outer middle of his iris, it'd give him a less lifeless look, as well as stretch the pupil/iris down another pixel.
The bottom of Mario's eyes are pretty close to his nose so that's something to keep in mind i guess.
Okay thanks I tried what you said, his eyes look a lot better now. I also made these other guys in the process.
Tell me what you think.
I like them a lot! They'd have more of the emotion you seek if their poses weren't so static

Very good though.
Yeah that's a big problem right there. As you can see with Luigi's legs I was trying something more relaxed but didn't go far enough.
Those sprites are really cool.
I already have a picture in my mind what a fan-game with those sprites would look like.
Hope there is more soon!
the main problem with the legs is that you're completely disregarding the pelvis. Give a gap between the place the legs connect at the body.
I think the skin tones need more contrast and I don't like how luigi's arm is just a single angled line, it looks pretty awkward. His head and his body don't feel like they connect right either, like it's too far back or something.
Hmm... pretty good but his moustache could use an extra shade It looks a bit flat the pose and eyes look just fine
Ive been super busy so I haven't gotten around to much...
The hard part about this is trying to get the characters to relatively fit in the box sizes. Yoshi's nose and tail poke out by a few pixels but I think that will be fine, especially considering I'll be tackling much wider characters later.
Yoshis tail could be ounder/fatter and yoshi and peach's eyes look like a blank stare
I know I have trouble with eyes.