We recently got a new TV in our house and when ever I try to play my Wii I've found some weird errors. First off it won't connect to the internet. Every time I try to connect it it'll say "Error Code 51331". I've tried the steps on support.nintendo.com but they didn't work. The other strange problem is that when I try playing any of the games I've downloaded from the Virtual Console the screen will go completely black but the sound and controls are still working. I have no idea what's causing all of this, so any help on either or both problems is appreciated.
Thanks for the help guys. All the problems have been solved. Turns out I couldn't get online because I was putting in the wrong password. Silly me! :p Thanks again, folks!
(11-19-2011, 02:41 PM)Code-E Wrote: [ -> ]We recently got a new TV in our house and when ever I try to play my Wii I've found some weird errors. First off it won't connect to the internet. Every time I try to connect it it'll say "Error Code 51331". I've tried the steps on support.nintendo.com but they didn't work. The other strange problem is that when I try playing any of the games I've downloaded from the Virtual Console the screen will go completely black but the sound and controls are still working. I have no idea what's causing all of this, so any help on either or both problems is appreciated.
Check the Router settings and check the video output cables.
Sounds really basic but sometimes that really is the issue.
I have the same problem with my 3DS. It turns out our router decided the little guy was dangerous and blocked it from the internet. I fixed this by changing the router settings. Actually my brother did... I don't know how to do that stuff.
Is your Wii soft modded at all?
You could always try reformatting the Wii to its factory settings. You will lost all of your Wii shop downloads though and have to redownload them.
And make sure to un-bind your wii shop account before doing it, so you can re-bind it afterwards.
(11-20-2011, 02:22 PM)Woppet* Wrote: [ -> ]Is your Wii soft modded at all?
You could always try reformatting the Wii to its factory settings. You will lost all of your Wii shop downloads though and have to redownload them.
And make sure to un-bind your wii shop account before doing it, so you can re-bind it afterwards.
... you can do that? Bind and rebind Wii Shop accounts, that is? I'm pretty sure it's always said "the removal of the account from this system will irreversible" or whatever. I want to try resetting mine too, maybe that'll fix the stupid problem with mine (though mine's most likely a hardware issue with the fan, if this actually works like you say, it couldn't hurt to try)