Here is my first post on this new Forum (The design looks great !), and you now it already (because you read titles), I ripped the Airport in MLSS, I don't know if it would be useful to someone but... yeah...
(The sheet is attached !)
Nice one, good job

Thank you ^^
It takes me 1 hour to rip it...
Very good rip, but the custom planes and the large "blank space" letters kind of annoy me...
I so tire of all these blank space jokes. They aren't funny, just exhausted and thoughtless.
Also, your plane "customs" need work; that and they're not necessary for the sheet itself. If you're going to do custom work, keep it seperate from official work.
Also, custom refers to having done it entirely from scratch; yours is an edit as you took the original plane apparently and just changed its length and shape some (as well as the color palettes).
All in all, this is a good rip and can be used, though the sheet has some minor nitpicks.
Okidokee ! I'll try to remember it when I'll made another sheet !
Nice job, and welcome to Spriter's Resource!