I'm honored.
Honestly though, I'm really glad that some people are finding it useful, I wanted others who are unfamiliar with models to be able to get into them too and to know how easy and fun it is.

Um quick question Roxas? Does Stalmaster's .arc have a .bress in it =3
Cause if so...um I kinda need that XD
Sorry for bugging so much, I really will get started on this ripping stuff myself once I figure it out >_>
Problem is figuring it out lol
(02-18-2012, 05:18 PM)Naruto200Man Wrote: [ -> ]Um quick question Roxas? Does Stalmaster's .arc have a .bress in it =3
Cause if so...um I kinda need that XD
Sorry for bugging so much, I really will get started on this ripping stuff myself once I figure it out >_>
Problem is figuring it out lol
I forgot that you needed them extracted a step further.
Sorry for the double posting but yeah....it's been more than two days right? =3
Quick question, could you get me the following swords (Uncompressed a step further as usual xD) from the game?
Sacred Sword: The first sword you get before any flames enhance it =3
Goddess Sword: 1 sacred flame
Goddess Sword: 2 sacred Flames
Goddess Sword 3sacred Flames
Bokoblin Swords: Any/all of them if possible
(02-20-2012, 10:03 PM)Naruto200Man Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry for the double posting but yeah....it's been more than two days right? =3
Quick question, could you get me the following swords (Uncompressed a step further as usual xD) from the game?
Sacred Sword: The first sword you get before any flames enhance it =3
Goddess Sword: 1 sacred flame
Goddess Sword: 2 sacred Flames
Goddess Sword 3sacred Flames
Bokoblin Swords: Any/all of them if possible 
I'll upload them when I find them.
I haven't found the swords yet. But here's a Boss.
The Boss Model you uploaded seems to have a problem
(02-22-2012, 02:20 PM)Roxas358 Wrote: [ -> ]I haven't found the swords yet. But here's a Boss. I've included the brres as well. 
OK. All should be well now.
If you mean the wrist, that's just how he was made. There's another bone closer to the hand, that controls the hands movement.
Alright then... nice model

(02-22-2012, 06:20 PM)Roxas358 Wrote: [ -> ]If you mean the wrist, that's just how he was made. There's another bone closer to the hand, that controls the hands movement.
Found another problem; the obj's arent textured
(02-23-2012, 04:45 AM)thegameexplorer Wrote: [ -> ]Alright then... nice model
(02-22-2012, 06:20 PM)Roxas358 Wrote: [ -> ]If you mean the wrist, that's just how he was made. There's another bone closer to the hand, that controls the hands movement.
OK, it should be fixed now.
Hey again. ^^; Thought I'd poke in again to see if anybody had answered my question, but it doesn't appear so! So I'll see if I can ask again. Would anybody know where the textures for the Skyward Strike might be located? I've searched since my last post in this thread(page 12) to locate them myself, with no luck.

Could you rip levels like ummmmmm Skyloft?