Man, this Arabic April Fools nonsense is annoying. I can't even type a post because of the way the little marker thing is placed, so I'm doing them in notepad. Anyway, those are really amazing sprite Speed! I'll add them into the OP as soon as April Fools blows over. And Ploaj, I can't tell you just how excited it makes me to see a screenshot. Thanks a ton for giving me the green light for development! Also, I finished expanding the screens for both the player's and the opponent's bench.
Player's -
Opponent's -
It's the same as the player's, except that the Pokemon markers are a little different.
The marked outline to the left of the markers are where the pointer is placed.
The marked outlines to the right of the markers denote the stage of the Pokemon, and where the sprite for that stage should be placed. I didn't do the "outline within the outline" thing because it would look too messy. Green is for Basic Pokemon. Blue is for Stage One Pokemon. The larger red one is for normally evolved Stage Two Pokemon. That is, Basic, to Stage One, to Stage Two. The smaller red outlines are for Stage Two Pokemon evolved with Pokemon Breeder, or some other similar such method that skips Stage One.
The marked outlines above the Energy marker is where the Pokemon's name starts. Double-letter sprite like for the main dueling screen. However, on the bench, the level is not included as part of the Pokemon's name.
The marked outlines to the right of the "Lv" sprite are where the Pokemon's level goes. Instead of using the small font for the numbers, on the bench the large font is used.
The marked outlines above the HP counters are for the Energy. You'll notice that this time the "+" is within an outline. This is because, on the bench, an Energy sprite can occupy the space where the "+" is only if it is the last Energy before the cut off threshold. So, if there are exactly fifteen Energy attached to a Pokemon, all fifteen Energy sprites will show. However, if there are sixteen, only fourteen on the sprites will show, with the fifteenth being replaced with the "+".
The marked outlines to the right of the "+" are for PlusPowers and Defenders/attached Trainer cards. In groups of two outlines: The one on the left contains the sprite, and the one on the right contains the number in large font. Pluspowers go on the left of the two groups, and Defenders go on the right. Other Trainer cards are represented by a "T" sprite placed in the rightmost outline.
Finally, the marked outline to the right of where the numbers for the level are is for indicating the Pokemon's type.
When a spot on the Bench is empty, everything is left blank except for the marker. For example, if the fifth spot were Pokemon-less, it would only have the "BP5" sprite.
That's about it. Here's a mock up for the player's bench. I only bothered doing that one since one for the opponent would basically be the same.
![[Image: MockUpPlayerBench.png]](