First off, the Wii is the easiest because so many games use the same format and such. Second, I can send you the Kirby models if you'd like to try submitting an enemy or something. It'd be good for practice as well. And third, the easiest thing to do first is by far .BRRES models. Here's what you'll need:
1: BRRES Viewer (get it
here. The latest version is
here, and you can find an updated list of games that use .BRRES format
2: Noesis (this is the easiest way, you don't have to mess with the model at all usually. Get it
3: Notepad++ (optional, but recommended as .DAE is the preferred submitting format. Get it
4: An image editing program (MS Paint will probably do the job, it's for making preview images so that your model will be uploaded faster)
5: Icon Maker V3. You can get it
And that's about it for equipment. Now onto instructions. It's quite easy after you've done a few of them.
Start off by opening BRRES Viewer and browse for the model you want and open it. Now you should see
this small window on the left, listing the model(s), textures, palettes, animations and etc.. You can press the enter key to center the model so it won't be on top, or use shift to move it back to its initial position.
But for now you want to go to File > Export All Files. You will see
a small window appear. Click the Textures dropdown and select PNG. Leave the Models dropdown as it is, as you want to export all your models in .PSK format. You should click the Animations dropdown and select "(do not export)". Now you have to go into the folder that had the BRRES file of the model you just exported. There will be a new folder named "exported". You can pull that out and put it somewhere else.
Now open Noesis and load up your new PSK. It should appear like
this. Now you go to File > Export, and you'll see
a new window. In the "Main output type" dropdown, first select .DAE COLLADA. Now make sure you check "Flip UV's" on the right so that the textures will load properly in modeling programs like Blender (always do this for each and every export). Now just click OK, then when it's done click Done. I always export it again as .OBJ and .SMD formats as well, so I'd suggest that. (Also, as a note, you don't have to open your DAE, OBJ or SMD in Noesis. If you do you'll see that the texture UV's are reversed. But this is perfectly normal)
(11-19-2011, 11:39 PM)Peardian Wrote: [ -> ]Very nice for your first rip! There's just one more thing you need to do to it before I upload it. You don't have to re-export it or anything, as it only requires a little bit of tweaking of the DAE with a text editor. I recommend Notepad++ because it's free and really nifty.
When you open up the DAE, you'll see a section like this near the very top:
<image id="Image">
<image id="Image1">
<image id="Image2">
This is what gives the locations of the textures for the loaded model. Unfortunately, Noesis doesn't really set these properly, so you have to tweak them yourself. You want it to look like this:
<image id="Image">
<image id="Image1">
<image id="Image2">
The unnecessary folder paths were removed, and the file extension was added to the end. That way, the textures will load properly when you open the model.
Now after you save that, you're done aside from making the preview and icon. You can find the preview image
here. In BRRES Viewer, go to Model, and uncheck Axes (or hit F3) to remove those colored lines, and center the model if you haven't already (you can turn the model around with your mouse, and zoom in and out with the mouse wheel too), and take a print screen of the model at an angle you like and insert it in the preview image (making sure it fits in decently enough, it's okay if a little bit of it is cut off), and Icon Maker V3 isn't much different from the first one, you can just pick between sprite, model and texture icons.
If you have any other questions or problems, just ask.
EDIT: Forgot to add that it's okay to save the preview images as .JPG if you wish to save a bit of space. .PNG isn't necessary unless you're funny about JPGs like I am.