Hi everybody,
I fully ripped the graphics from
War Wind, an old RTS with disappointing gameplay, but amazing storyline and character design. Just thought I might share them with whoever might want them. You can find the ZIP
here. So far it features all in-game graphics (map tiles, units, buildings, scenery, interface...). More to come later if anyone's interested in either the menu graphics or the sound effects.
Interesting. If there was some way to crop these to a smaller size, making sheets would be easy - they're all 4 frames of animation, and can use a program to put everything into a sheet. But with the empty space, it might be quite difficult...
I'm not really sure how to go about with this submission :\
Actually, I intend to use these as mere references, since I would read graphics directly from the RES files in a hypothetical remake. Writing a program which can build spritesheets automatically from the RES files should be fairly easy, but it would require for me to map the whole files, e.g. to point out each "block" start and ending. Besides, some actors have a different amount of frames, and other pictures are sometimes inserted between two blocs of sprite data. Well, I'll see what I can do about it.
Oh, and good news for War Wind fans: the War Wind 2 resources are packed in the exact same fashion as its predecessor. I'm currently using my scripts to rip them all.
These are absolutely brilliant man - Good stuff!

Thanks, I'm quite satisfied myself, even if I won't use these spritesheets as far as I'm concerned - it was a good exercise.

With little more work I can do the same with War Wind 2 sprites.
I want to refresh this thread since this rip is not complete. Almost all of the sounds are missing - this rip only contains the background music of the levels. Does anybody know where or how to get all other files (download or how to rip them myself)?
Also, i want to ask for a
War Wind 2 Rip. I just can't find it anywhere on the internets, which is why i registered here. Can someone point me in the right direction, please? :/ moonperl wasn't online for half a year, so i guess there's no point in contacting himher... The best would be to link me to a tutorial or something on how to rip files of PC games anyway.
However i'm trying to make a game with Game Maker containing both War Wind and War Wind 2 Files (War Wind 2 uses the same game engine).

First of all, this is a sprite submission thread, not sounds. So it's the wrong subject. Second, this thread's almost a year old, so that's a necropost. Three, you're requesting before meeting the requirements which is against
our rules, so please read them.
I'm gonna lock this, and ask you to make your own thread in either the Questions forum or the Sound Projects subfrom asking how you can rip them yourself. Have a nice day~