All sounds from the offline game of Uru. Uru Live is free, but I didn't bother downloading it to see if the sound files for the new worlds it has are there (since it takes a while to download). Nevertheless, here is all 1,446 (1.03 GBs!) sound files all organized into folders of the worlds they belong to. It took an hour to upload all of it!
Hey that's great man! Always glad to see some new sound submissions especially since TSndR had kinda grinded to a halt lately.
Hate to say this but your link isn't working (it's taking me to my own MediaFire page). Could you post it again?
Ahh that works now, thanks. But unfortunately I don't know what goes where. Could you list what category each of the packs go into, such as which ones go into the "Character Voices" section and such? I also notice that several of the ZIPs are over 30MB in size, and I won't be able to upload them until they are split enough to be under 30MB. I apologize for the trouble. I have however downloaded all the ZIPs that are under 30MB (Bahro Caves, Bevin, Eder Gira, Great Zero, Kemo, Misc., Multi World, Myst, Nexus and The Great Tree Pub) so you don't have to worry about those.
Well you see, I split the sounds by the worlds they belong, and there isn't much voices in the game so I didn't bother putting them all by themselves. Should I put the voices into a separate folder?
So you have them separated into sections like "World 1", "World 2" etc.? I'll have to ask Dazz if we should accept them like that since I haven't ever seen them packed like that before. If he says yes, then I'll ask you to divide the 30MB+ ZIPs (like "World 1 (1/2)" and "World (2/2)", etc.) so I can upload them, since the site won't take them otherwise. Sorry for the wait!
EDIT: Okay, they seem to be good to go, aside from being too big. After you split up the large files, could you tell me which ones belong to which world and such? I'd greatly appreciate it.

Will getting around to split when I get the time.
The name of the .zip files are the names of the worlds..
Also, there is no order the worlds have to be done in in the game (besides the cleft coming first), so..
...Okay then, I guess I'll just upload them all in one category under "Sound Effects" then, if it doesn't matter that much. I just haven't heard of the game so I know nothing about it.
(12-26-2011, 09:13 PM)Mighty Jetters Wrote: [ -> ]I just haven't heard of the game so I know nothing about it.
The game is actually one of my top favourite singleplayer games.

As for categories.. hmm. Well, from what I know the Cleft is the first world, the rest you can do in any order once you get to Relto (home world). I could also upload the voices separately if you wanted I guess (not a big deal).
Anyway, finally got around to uploading them in parts. Check the folders for them.
I should of put them in .rar files instead of .zip since they are smaller, there would be less files if I did so.
Sorry, I forgot to post here! I
uploaded everything about 8 or 9 days ago, hopefully everything is sorted properly!