The 10 free GBA games for 3DS ambassadors are up!
Checked this morning when i heard about it and these are the games:
F-Zero: Maximum Velocity
Mario Kart: Super Circuit
Wario Land 4
Mario Advance 3 (Yoshi's Island)
Metroid Fusion
Warioware INC: Minigame Mania
Kirby and the Amazing Mirror
Mario vs Donkey Kong
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
Holy shit what a line up.
Edit: Just tested out Minish Cap, like DS games, It stretches to fit the screen. But also like DS games, you can run it at it's original resolution by holding Start+Select when you open the game.
Go to the 3DS eShop
Select ''Settings/Other''
Scroll down and select ''Titles you've downloaded''
You will find all the gba games in here along with the NES games that were released to 3DS ambassadors earlier in the year and any other games you've bought/downloaded.
(Remember if you didn't own a 3DS and connect to the online service before the 3DS got a price drop you are not an ambassador, and these titles will not be available to you)
Thank you Woppet

Thank you.
Downloading all of them except metroid and zelda
I know they're free but i'm too far along in their cartridge versions to bother restarting :p
If my download history is any indication, these have probaly been up for quite a few hours.
Supposedly Minish Cap is the EU version. Either way, these downloaded versions will serve as complements to my hard copies, especially my poor old Mario VS DK cart.
So many awesome games for free. feels good to be part of the $170+Ambassador club.
These games are much more exciting than the NES games! I'm loving Yoshi's Island!
Oh and you don't have to hold down Start and Select at the same time. Juts hold down one or the other.
(12-16-2011, 11:41 AM)A.J. Nitro Wrote: [ -> ]Oh and you don't have to hold down Start and Select at the same time. Juts hold down one or the other.
You've just significantly improved my quality of life.
I thought it was dumb i had to use three fingers just to get it to run in the old resolution.
maybe if owned a 3ds and didn't own all those games

Some great games here, I've only played them briefly so far though because I'm supposed to be studying for exams right now.
I tried out mario vs donkey kong
what a weird game, it's probably the only one on the list that I don't really like
I wish they just would of put up one of the really bad gba ports or maybe king of the swing
F-Zero: Maximum Velocity >> Nice to have another F-Zero game in my collection, even if F-Zero, F-Zero X, and F-Zero GX are better.
Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island >> Pass. I have the SNES version and the downgraded audio of the GBA version bugs me.
Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap >> I already have this on my actual GBA.
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones >> This is my first ever FE game. I've wanted to get into the series sooner, but I've been a bit too shy since strategy RPGs aren't my thing. >.>;; I mean I like the strategy RPGs that only have you micro-managing units only like Shining Force, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, and Final Fantasy Tactics A2.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror >> I already have this on my actual GBA.
Mario Kart: Super Circuit >> I already have this on my actual GBA.
Mario vs. Donkey Kong >> I already have this on my actual GBA.
Metroid Fusion >> I already have this on my actual GBA.
Wario Land 4 >> Even though I did like the original Wario Land, I kinda missed Wario Land 2 and 3 for GB and GBC when the series took to puzzle-platforming (and Wario become immortal). I hope I'll enjoy this fourth installment...
WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgames >> This is my first WarioWare game. I've been too shy in playing previous WarioWare games because at the time they were expensive and I kinda didn't want to buy anything only to get minimal bang for my buck. <.<;;
Playin Minish Cap ALL day. It's so great.
I do wish we could have gotten Advance Wars 2 and M&L SS in place of the Fire Emblem and Mario Minis game.
(12-16-2011, 03:19 AM)Woppet* Wrote: [ -> ]F-Zero: Maximum Velocity
Mario Kart: Super Circuit
Wario Land 4
Mario Advance 3 (Yoshi's Island)
Metroid Fusion
Warioware INC: Minigame Mania
Kirby and the Amazing Mirror
Mario vs Donkey Kong
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
mother of god
I only own four of these on cartridge
I love you so much, Nintendo
I already have all these games, but whatevs, they're all fucking great and it's nice to have them on the 3DS. Especially F-ZMV, love that game.
the only one I probably won't download is Mario vs DK.
that's the only choice I am disappointed with.
I actually own all of these except the Fire Emblem one.
Hm kind of wished Donkey Kong: King of Swing was on that list. That game needs more exposure!