(12-22-2011, 12:46 PM)Mighty Jetters Wrote: [ -> ]I liked the "Thanked by" arrow on the left side, but OMG how I missed the thank button!! Everyone went into an outrage over it being gone lol.
Though I liked being able to mouse over their names and see what time they thanked it. 
Also they're now in alpha order instead of order thanked, interesting.
that's as simple as hitting a checkbox, lemme go change that. i honestly wasn't sure what order it went in.
(12-22-2011, 12:38 PM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ]man
you don't miss a thing
yeah, the country flags are gone, too and i gotta find a way to bring those back as well ):
I like how you had 666 posts when I read that.
Yo kosheh somehow some skins seem to miss thank buttons
but that's fine with me, I'm using whatever you set as default anyways

<---- THIS GUY
see, myBB is a lazy person's forum software. installing things are one-click and most of the stuff needed is applied to all themes. and life is good
but some of the features are only applied to the forum's default template. such as thanking
(which i just fixed)
if I missed readding the thank button on certain skins, let me know and i can put them back in - it literally takes 10 seconds to do
I'm using Afresh Holiday and all seems good there.

Yeah well don't worry Kosheh. I still love you.
hopefully we can find a way to double thank again.
Can't thank in closed threads? Not sure if that's intentional or how big of a deal that is, but there it is.
(12-29-2011, 12:19 AM)Altrez Wrote: [ -> ]Can't thank in closed threads? Not sure if that's intentional or how big of a deal that is, but there it is.
Really doesn't matter.
The thread goes to nowhere literally after closing.
OK, so I dunno if I should post this here, but I think making a new thread isn't such a good idea, so I'm just gonna go ahead and ask this here.
What exactly this thanking? I mean, I get that a post is thanked, and that, y'know, it's a kind of short-hand way of saying "thanks", but is that it? Or does it have a more meaningful use?
That's not saying that it's pointless. It's handy as. I mean, on another forum I went on, people gave reputation as thanking, since they didn't have a thanking system. So someone who has not contributed in any useful way to the community could still have like 150 rep, just because they made funny posts.
Here, any reputation given (or taken away) is actually deserved. Which is nice

We have both, mainly to prevent empty quotes and other pointless posts. Thanking a post you like is encouraged and giving rep to a person you like is encouraged as two separate things.
OK, cool. Just wondering really, I've never been on a forum with thanking, so yeah. I like it though, just takes some getting used to.
Kosheh, will the country flags return too?
What Cyrus Annihilator said.