You might be wondering why I posted this so early, beacuse my parents are devorced I open half of my presents one day early.
Here's what I got:
Mario Kart 7
Loads of chocolate.
An Ukulele.
But it's 2 days early.
Unless you live in Australia or the far east.
Norway is a good country to live in.

We open on the 24th.
Yeah, it's also not too crazy to think that people give gifts on Christmas Eve rather than Christmas Day (or both), regardless of country.
(12-23-2011, 03:47 PM)Tellis Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, it's also not too crazy to think that people give gifts on Christmas Eve rather than Christmas Day (or both), regardless of country.
that doesnt change the fact that it's still neither of those days yet
my bank account overdrafted
(12-23-2011, 04:29 PM)Captain Wrote: [ -> ] (12-23-2011, 03:47 PM)Tellis Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, it's also not too crazy to think that people give gifts on Christmas Eve rather than Christmas Day (or both), regardless of country.
that doesnt change the fact that it's still neither of those days yet
It's the 24th in Norway now.
I got a 3DS! With Super Mario 3D land!
Edit: And Return to Dreamland!
I got two presents early from friends I don't see during christmas so we shared them with each other early.
I got Kirby's Return to Dreamland and the Ico + Shadow of the Colossus collection for PS3.
Work party tonight,
Amazon giftcard from my boss/his family.
I also got a chance to chill with all of them outside of work, and chill with the customers(who made up the rest of the guests, since they all live by the store/my boss and there's only 5 of us who work in the store.) I think being invited was a gift to be honest, because it was a hell of a lot of fun.
I'll find out tomorrow (my family opens presents on Christmas Eve, stockings on Christmas Day.)
(12-23-2011, 04:30 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]my bank account overdrafted
how dare you be unhappy on christmas.
dare you.
i got a coat like a week early and bought my meds today with the money left over woo yeah christmas rules
Just opened another present, I got a crystal 3DS Case Armor.
I got my two front teeth for christmas.