Well this are my sprites, post suggestions about how to make his hair look good because i don't how to make it better
This are some reference pictures
Well hope to see some help to continue the animations also if anyone know how to make the tie in the front view look good
*Offtopic (maybe): Did anyone play SSF2 because i want to do this sprites to make an expansion of PW based in his Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 moveset
Is that an edit? I haven't compared them, but it looks very similar to Edgeworth's sprite.
The hair needs more detail.
yeah i know the hair need edit but i don't know to make it look better or how to shade (i'm bad at making shades), i only edited the hair, his is face from a different color and is 1 pixel short (Wright height is 176 cm and Edgeworth height is 178 cm) but i want to make different animations from the game and make the moves he use in U MvsC3, btw i will do Maya later

![[Image: ZiRWk.gif]](http://i.imgur.com/ZiRWk.gif)
they're terrible edits of miles edgeworth. terrible, in a way its just a recolor + some minor details added.
you want to improve these? start by not making sprite edits and working on your own work.
I've never even played the Ace Attorney games but one of the more striking differences between Phoenix and Edgeworth that's kind of immediately apparent to me is how different their builds are, not just in body type but design as well. Edgeworth is very angular, his coat trimmed to his waist, while Phoenix is really boxy. You'd need to do a lot more than just change his hair, face and neck decor if you want to reflect those differences.
(12-29-2011, 09:39 PM)NaruhodouShiro Wrote: [ -> ]yeah i know the hair need edit but i don't know to make it look better or how to shade (i'm bad at making shades), i only edited the hair, his is face from a different color and is 1 pixel short (Wright height is 176 cm and Edgeworth height is 178 cm) but i want to make different animations from the game and make the moves he use in U MvsC3, btw i will do Maya later 
What I mean is that you should at least add one more shade, since the sprite style seems to have 3 shades at the least.
Something similar to, but not exactly like this;
I did a quick edit and pallette, but I don't recommend copying my shading, since I really don't know the shading for the style. lol
Point is, just add another shade or two on the hair, and you're on your way. Good luck with Maya.

(12-30-2011, 04:14 AM)Tellis Wrote: [ -> ]I've never even played the Ace Attorney games but one of the more striking differences between Phoenix and Edgeworth that's kind of immediately apparent to me is how different their builds are, not just in body type but design as well. Edgeworth is very angular, his coat trimmed to his waist, while Phoenix is really boxy. You'd need to do a lot more than just change his hair, face and neck decor if you want to reflect those differences.
yeah, you're right i just checked that because the time i edited the edgeworth sprite i don't see that

i will later change all the wrights bodies