The UFO was something I did a long time ago. Far I as I remember I was inspired by someone's experiment on Galaxy Man when he was trying to make the shading similar to a CD (in fact I think I used a similar palate, don't remember)
Sort of toying around with my version of anubis palate wise, there has been some results.
I'm going to try and tweak this for a bit, fixed an issue with a part of the lion cloth (at least that's what I think it is)
Try to make his arms less straight, they show no signs of anatomy wathsovever.
And his face is really bothering me as I can't tell which way he's facing due to his eye/ear/nose placements.
![[Image: lQPsG.png]](
I might focus on the palate and detail of this a little more.
The outlines on the arm are jagged, unless thats shading in which you might want to make that more noticeable. It looks like you haven't started on the gold rod and ankh?(That's what it is right? It's easily definable I'm just not sure I'm thinking of the right object) but when you do, make sure that the shading helps portray that it's a gold surface.
Bumpan for my customo work
did what I could with the arms and I tweaked the eye's position a bit. If yo yo boy was referring to how I made the eyes rather than the position, that was intended.
I also decided to mess around with the the palates of this and made 3 different versions.
1st one was the original, tweaked.
2nd is the 8bit one.
The 3rd one, completely tweaks two of the colors I originally had, which to be honest I like so much better out of all of them.
May start something new for the sake of topic diversity.