01-07-2012, 07:54 PM
I'm trying to rip some sprites from a DS game, but the sprites are partially off screen and I get get to them!
Can I rip them another way?
(I'm using DeSmuME)
Can I rip them another way?
(I'm using DeSmuME)
redblueyellow Wrote:Hey Davias,
I noticed that you were looking for help with ripping from Black Sigil, so I thought I'd send you a PM.
As far as ripping from DS games in general goes, tools such as consoleTool and tahaxan work well (both do the same job). From there all you have to do is drag and drop/ open the ds rom into the program and start searching for the correct files.
.NANR (animation), .NCER (cell, usually for sprites), .NCBR(graphics, usually sprites), .NGCR (graphics, usually backgrounds), .NCLR (palette), .NCSR (screen, usually for backgrounds) are preferred to find as they all correspond directly to the sprites, but some games have the graphics compressed into other types of files such as .bin, .dat, .arc or .narc (to name a few).
When it comes to .bin, .dat, .arc, etc Barubary and Dazz might be better to PM (as they have a lot more knowledge of this kind of stuff than me), but one tool to look at is GenericBUnpacker.
.NANR, .NCER, etc. (all of the file types mentioned above) can then be opened in OilOfVitriol and the sprites will show up there.
Most (if not all) of the programs that I mentioned should be in Barubary's ripping thread (might have to search if it isn't on the first page), but if it isn't there Barubary should have it (or I could send it to you).
Anyways, I currently don't have the rom of the game, but I'll try and get it soon to help with ripping. If searching through the game's files doesn't work, then playing through the game might be your best bet. (I'm pretty sure there is another way through using TileGGD, but I'm absolutely horrible when it comes to working with that).
Also, DeSuME is another good emulator as far as the DS goes. It's free and comes with an OAM/ Map viewer to get the sprites/ maps by themselves.
If you haven't already done so, I suggest PMing Barubary for help as he is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to DS ripping.
Hope it works out with the game!And I might give it a shot if there's room for one more ripper for the game.