Hi guys, before you dismiss this thread, please give it a good look-- it's very important to me personally.
I have a goal that I would like to meet-- I need to acquire new hardware so I can convert my room into a development studio.
I started an
IndieGoGo page for this endeavor. If you know me at all, you know that I am out of money at almost any given time. It makes it much harder for me to work, and it makes it even harder for me to get hardware that DOESN'T freeze up after opening more than two programs.
What I am trying to do here is raise enough money to be able to afford hardware expansions to my room (better computers, more hardware, etc) so I can do my art more efficiently, I can create more PxC content, and I can start writing music again like I've wanted to do for so long.
If you check out the page, you'll notice that there are "perks" on the side-- by donating a certain amount of money, you'll get a bunch of free stuff from me as an extra-special thanks.
Basically, I'm just asking for you guys to help me out. You don't have to donate yourself, but please spread the word everywhere that you can and have other people spread the word as well so I can come closer to my goal.
Thank you for reading, and if someone disagrees with this thread's existence, feel free to move it.
(01-11-2012, 04:15 AM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]If you check out the page, you'll notice that there are "perks" on the side-- by donating a certain amount of money, you'll get a bunch of free stuff from me as an extra-special thanks.
Well, if we're donating money, then it isn't exactly free, is it?
I would donate if I could, but I can't, sorry. In any case, I really hope you get enough money!
this looks like a gigantic scam and im actually disapointed in you for pretty much begging for money. indie developer, my ass. if youre so independant why cant you afford to buy your own things?
im gonna agree with shawn WITH RESERVATIONS. calling it a scam is going a bit far, but asking for money to buy new computer stuff is kind of weird imo. Normally these kind of sites are for funding specific projects, not "buy me stuff so i can make more projects for you later i guess". still, you can do what you want, im just voicing my opinion.
Two sided on this argument, I agree that you should at least support yourself a bit and not beg people to give you cash (granted anyone has about 5000 bucks, let alone $100 to blow away on you anyways).
And I yet I can see why you need the shit to begin with since it'd be a hell lot more easier for you to develop games and it's only harder for you to even get the cash for this stuff.
I couldn't care if I tried to since really I'm too poor to even support my own ass. But if someone helps you out then that will be a-ok.
I do realize that it looks like a giant scam but that is not the case. I don't exactly know how to explain it any better. Most of the reason I even started this is because of the low quality my computers are, to the point where even working on pixel art is incredibly difficult, and in same cases, nearly impossible to do.
I suppose I got a little too ambitious with the initial idea, really the biggest thing is that I need a new computer and I just cannot afford it right now. :/
(ps: being independent actually makes it harder to buy your own things because all of your money goes into Continuing Independence, for what it's worth)
I'd like to help out, but I just spent a shitload on games in this week alone. I'll probably throw some money your way after my next paycheck because honestly I DO respect your work, and I know how bullshit it is to have good ideas but no resources or money to get them off the ground.
And if there's one thing everyone at tSR knows, Tom Guycott is surrounded by monies 24/7.
But seriously, I've got a reminder to see if I can spare anything next paycheck. Good luck with this.
Ok guys, Tyvon is looking for help and you're all generally acting like dicks about it. I mean honestly, what the fuck?
Tyvon I'm really strapped for cash and have debts to pay off right now, but the second i actually get money in my bank account rather than "oh pay day=20 dollars left, which normally ends up being spent on dinner that night" I'll donate. Or I'll just donate in really small amounts like 5 dollar installments, once I get a working debit card too.
while I agree partly with what shawn said, Tyvon is one of ours and he needs as much support as we can give.
Tyvon, I really wanted to pay you bucks to buy Navigator and I also want to give you help right now, but as I said before, internet payment hates me and it says my credit card is unable to pay/buy stuff online :c
I see both angles, but as an independent, I can honestly say I'm not one to run a campaign for £5000 in donations to myself.
Probably because I'm charitable and see the business expense as an addition to my own comfort.
But yeah, good luck...
You are a nice guy, so by all means you deserve it, but they are much more worthy causes out there IMO (no frense)
(01-15-2012, 04:34 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]£5000
that's about $7650 in USD.
(01-15-2012, 10:37 AM)DioShiba Wrote: [ -> ] (01-15-2012, 04:34 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]£5000
that's about $7650 in USD.
There's definitely nothing wrong with asking for money while doing it in a genuinely polite and decent matter. Tyvon deserves absolutely no shit thrown at him for it, because there's nothing wrong with a simple try. As long as he doesn't beg or try and persuade people, there's no harm done. If you can't donate to him, and you find it disrespectful, say your opinion in a polite way and then take your leave. Otherwise, just leave! If you don't want to donate than this thread obviously does not relate to you. It mostly consists of people who would love to donate, but don't have the ability to or are just simply unable to. And I'm in the same boat, Tyvon has proven to be a hard worker and a nice individual (although my opinion on him was a bit crippled by his fiasco on Facebook about the game Terraria.)
Surely there has been worse attempts at obtaining donations than this. Go discriminate those people instead. Best of luck to you Tyvon.
Honestly I see what Shawn is saying, just like I see what everyone else is saying. Tyvon, I'd spare a few bucks if I could, but I'm saving up for a new car after I totaled mine back in December, along with trying to afford college. Best of luck to you.
Edit: If you have to, I'd honestly just get a part time job that would work around your schedule. Who knows, maybe that might help with your sleeping schedule which you seem to be at tug-o-war with

There's so many time I'd like to have donated money for a cause. But all the money I make goes to pay that ridiculous fee for College.
You're probably wondering how I get my video games then? Birthdays and Christmas.