Hey TSR! I'm a long time visitor of the site, first time forum poster. I make homebrew games for a hobby and as such, typically find myself making some kind of custom/edited sprite. Thought I'd share one of my favorites with you guys!
Richter Belmont, in River City Ransom style! It's not exactly perfect (because I'm not exactly any good at this), but I'm sure it'll be a little amusing.
It is a little amusing, but unfortunately it doesn't seem like much more than a recolor. It's a great first step in spriting though.

Try messing with a 16-bit style and get the basics of shading and palettes down. That's a good next step.
PS- Kudos for reading the rules and posting this in the right place!
Points well taken, thanks
EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out!
So I made this sheet for a game I'm currently working on. It's the Fighter from NES Final Fantasy 1, shaded and slightly resized down to SNES style (FF4/5). Added the extra frames using Dark Knight Cecil and Fighter from FF3j as a base.
The top is the rip found on this site, the bottom is what I made it into.
You're really not adding much to the original sprite. Don't get me wrong, I love edits, but these just aren't enough. Unless you rehaul the sprites to the point that you take a tangent and it truly becomes your work, I think you're better off not posting these (feel free to do them though, carry on) and post some custom sprites.