Hello guys. About... all this time about demanding stuff... gomenisai (I'm sorry). I guess I can't just demand numbers from Continue screens, sounds, models, or all of that stuff. Forgive me and let bygones be bygones? Thank you.
PS: I wonder what is the most-working Neo-Geo Emulator is? It's because I can get the Continue numbers myself by taking screenshots.
For the Neo-Geo emulator, may I suggest
WinKawaks? You can disable sprites and background layers with it.
(01-17-2012, 06:17 PM)Random Talking Bush Wrote: [ -> ]For the Neo-Geo emulator, may I suggest WinKawaks? You can disable sprites and background layers with it.
Sniff, thank you.
EDIT: I got the WinKawaks emulator, but I need all the bins to play all the games.
If by BINs you mean the game files/roms, you'l need to look elsewhere...since those aren't exactly legal.

If you're looking for a specific game, PM me and I might be able to help you out.
People may still help you with what you need, you just can't be pushy about it, that's all. They are helping you from the goodness of their hearts, after all.
Tell you what, if you prove that you can change for the better then I may in fact rip those continue sprites from Tetris Attack and/or Pokémon Puzzle League for you.
PS: As a suggestion, you might try to rip from some of those Wii games yourself sometime. John may be able to help you with that as he knows a good bit about it. You might even find that you can get some on your own and not have to ask.

(01-20-2012, 12:25 PM)Mighty Jetters Wrote: [ -> ]People may still help you with what you need, you just can't be pushy about it, that's all. They are helping you from the goodness of their hearts, after all.
Tell you what, if you prove that you can change for the better then I may in fact rip those continue sprites from Tetris Attack and/or Pokémon Puzzle League for you. 
PS: As a suggestion, you might try to rip from some of those Wii games yourself sometime. John may be able to help you with that as he knows a good bit about it. You might even find that you can get some on your own and not have to ask. 
Thank you. I accept.
This looks like less of an actual apology and more of an excuse to get your foot in the door again so you can have more stuff.
What is the point of this even? The question's fine but
if you do something bad on a forum, nobody's really going to care or dwell on it. Just improve next time and people will forget about it, especially if it was just a single incident. No one cares about apology threads. They're a waste of space and they probably make you look WORSE by making a bigger deal out of the issue. If anything, apologize in the thread it happened in, but it's not necessary to bring it up elsewhere.
Yeah, so much for your "apology". :/
I hope you realize you will look like a hypocrite now.
"sorry for asking a lot... now give me the .bin files"
(01-21-2012, 08:42 AM)Gors Wrote: [ -> ]"sorry for asking a lot... now give me the .bin files"
Where did you read ".bin files"? He clearly was talking about recycle bins.
Sigh... okay, I can explain. I have WinKawaks bundled with all the games, but when I begin a game, it says (Couldn't find .bin (Insert bin here) for game, ERROR). So that means, I need those bin-like files for the games so I can rip the sprites for the Continue Numbers. But, there is a way to rip sprites in WinKawaks. How do I get those files?
(01-21-2012, 01:48 PM)TheWolfBunny Wrote: [ -> ]Sigh... okay, I can explain.
No, wait wait, let me stop you right there. We understand why you would need those files. We don't get why you would apologize for mooching off everyone and then one post later decide to try mooching again.
(01-21-2012, 03:05 PM)Kriven Wrote: [ -> ] (01-21-2012, 01:48 PM)TheWolfBunny Wrote: [ -> ]Sigh... okay, I can explain.
No, wait wait, let me stop you right there. We understand why you would need those files. We don't get why you would apologize for mooching off everyone and then one post later decide to try mooching again.
I guess you're right. Sorry for acting so stuckup.