I didn't forget anything, it's not a sheet, it's just for Shade to use to get the Contest colors.
Deathbringer, are you going to get the original colors for each overworld icon as well? You should also get those banana trails, too.
EDIT: Sorry, I didn't see your post.
(02-27-2012, 05:31 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks, Deathbringer! You did miss the boss icon on your overworld sheet though.
Quoting for new page.
But I have 50 PPP so I can see both of those posts on the same page!
But I'll do it sometime, I'm working on another sheet (this is one I meant to do a while ago for another project) right now and I don't want to get distracted.
Miss anything?
Wonderful job. Maybe the little dots that connect the levels?
EDIT: I just realized we removed the Orange palette of all wooden stuff from the objects sheet. I feel like we should have those for completion. I'd also like to look into the explosions to have one on the objects sheets, and the Gold Barrel sparkles. Then I think we can call both DKC2 and 3's stuff done.
I'm not seeing any dots that connect the levels?
Probably just missing them! XD
I did forget about the arrows though..
Oh, duh. Only DKC had dots. The other two only had the arrows.
My mistake.
Ton, I just didn't think it was necessary to leave those orange wooden palettes in the sheet because pretty much every item in the game has a different color because of Knautilus having that red tint. I think it's just best we only have the original color. Anyway here's the TNT explosion. That's the last of DKC3.
Guys, I'd love to have these playable characters done by Saturday. I'm going away for a week and it'd be great to have these wrapped up by then. There's not much left at all (mostly palettes) and unused sprites.
Do as he commands! But ya he's right. We should get this done by the end of the week. It's also when my week long break ends, too. Anyway, ShadeDBZ's overworld sheet is good to go. Just needs an icon.
Haha, I tried to word that right so I didn't come off as a dick and more like I was trying to rouse everyone. I guess I didn't succeed.
But yes, I saved it. It's in my upload folder waiting to go up.
I understand what you were saying and didn't sound dickish about it at all. That was just me joking around.
Ok, good.
I got a couple replies over at DK Atlas;
From Mattrizzle, who ripped a lot of the unused sprites;
Quote:I don't mind if any of you use my rips in your sheets. There's no point in reinventing the wheel, after all!
And this;
Quote:In A.J. Nitro's/Ant19831983's DKC3 Kremlings sheet, I noticed that Kracka (a.k.a. the TNT Knocka) doesn't use the correct palette for its arms and legs in its running sprites, or its body in the picked up and thrown sprites. Here's the corrected version from my sheet, ready to be added into the aforementioned sheet.
Also in the same sheet, this frame, used when Knocka goes back into his barrel after stomping him, is missing.
It's actually just the first sprite in the animation of Knocka uses when coming out of the barrel, but with the legs visible. The reason the legs don't appear at first is because there seems to be a one-frame lag between when the body sprite updates and the arms/legs sprite does. This is also the reason why the sprites with a very noticeable gap between the legs and barrel exist--they aren't intentional.