Shouldn't we keep with the English naming theme and just call him Gohan?

It's ok to me (already updated). I used "Son Gohan" because its the name I found in every site I visited (when I was searching movelists), even english sites.
How about this one? lol
I put it in my sheet, can someone confirm it means Gohan?
Rofl, well in the English series, they always left the "Son" part off. The people who speak English and actually call the characters Son Goku, etc. Are probably the same ones who add -san to their teachers' names.
The German version calls him Son Goku and left many Japanese names and descriptions in the anime, like the Genkidama (Spirit Bomb). They tried to translate some stuff in the first episodes of the original dragonball (Kame-Hame-Ha ---> Schockwelle (Shockwave), but they gave up to avoid cheesiness. The other characters call him by both names, but it depends on the situation (Chichi likes to use full names when she lectures him or her son).
I didn't finish updating Buu today, unfortunately, but I updated Dabura and Kaioshin!
(Should I change Kaioshin to the English version, Supreme Kai?)
I like Supreme Kai better personally, so yeah maybe the English name would be better.
Also updated!

I would. I don't know much about the series post-Cell saga, but I at least recognize names like Buu and Supreme Kai (Though Mr. Satan is way better than Hercule). If we're translating Japanese-only games to English on the site, it's only fair that we translate the Japanese names to the established English ones.

I missed some minor sprites in my sheets for
Cell and
Frieza, but hopefully now they are perfect.
And now for a sheet that's EVEN MORE PERFECT!!!
And for some simpler sheets of Mr. Satan and the opening and ending images just because they were very simple.
Don't know if I want to call anyone else next. I'll see.
I meant to call Vegeta next from Super Butouden 2!
Here's that update for Buu!
What happened to the fast paced project this used to be?
![[Image: i0oi7fc50NIY5.png]](
Here's Kaioshin's English icon!