I will be ripping these models 1 by 1 this is my first attempt at ripping ps2 models enjoy ^^
cause they take a long time to fix the textures on them ^^
here's the first model
Inuyasha's Icon
The Icon for when the models are uploaded
Love that game! rip more

The textures take a long time to fix? Why, what's wrong with them?
One thing that is a bit of an issue with the models is that they are broken up into a bunch of pieces. The sword is broken into 8 pieces, and Inuyasha himself is broken up into 160. It would take someone with advanced modeling knowledge to be able to piece it back together correctly, though, so if you're not sure how to fix it, don't worry about it.
The quick way to combine them would be, selection all of the parts with A (A is the hot key that toggles if all objects in a scene are selected or not). Then selecting one piece of the model with Shift+right mouse button clicking. Then hitting J. That will combine all pieces of the mesh into one object.

If it weren't for the fact that it has three different hand models on each side, I'd say go with that. Combining them all together might actually be worse than leaving them as fragments. If you do want to try and combine them, you'll have to go in and figure out which piece belongs to which group. As far as I can tell, there are 19 groups (20 if you leave his legs separate), but you could reduce that to 9 if you combine parts that use the same texture.
i have no clue how to fix these models so there is a way to reduce the groups, and i don't want to make the models look worse then before hand.

(If someone else wants to attempt to fix this hand problem they can go for it)
ok i got Kagome done
as well as her icon
as well should i continue ripping these models if this is the case?
Since I'm impressed by these rips, I'm actually going to help you with these. I'm going to fix the models and then re-export them for you. However, there is one improvement to the file structure of the submission that will help speed things up for me for all of your future submissions.
And that is the naming of the textures. While normally the use of proper English and descriptive names is great for files, the format of .MTL files doesn't really like spaces in the names. For some programs, if not most, the textures won't load at all if there is a space in the name. And yes, while "Kagome Hand Texture" and "Skirt + Body Texture" are very good descriptive names, they are unnecessarily wordy. The textures are being included with Kagome, so obviously it belongs to the Kagome model, and obviously they are textures. Much better names for the textures would be "hand" and "skirtbody", or better yet, just "body". A simple keyword will be good enough for people to know what they are looking at. The important thing is that you don't have spaces or weird symbols in the filename.
I'll take care of Inuyasha and Kagome for now, just make sure you take care of it for future rips.

after over a year someone finally replied to my request!

it might not be Secret of the cursed Mask but it's just as good!! can't wait to start converting this....hrm... hey do you know if these are from the same game?
I've had them for a while now but i'd like to know what game they are from
Inuyasha and demon inuyasha
![[Image: inuyasha_demon_inuyasha_by_valforwing-d4aavcu.png]](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/262/7/9/inuyasha_demon_inuyasha_by_valforwing-d4aavcu.png)
![[Image: sesshomaru_by_valforwing-d4aadnp.png]](http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/262/c/a/sesshomaru_by_valforwing-d4aadnp.png)
![[Image: shippo_by_valforwing-d4acrif.png]](http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/262/4/7/shippo_by_valforwing-d4acrif.png)
I don't think so, no, it looks like some other Inuyasha game.
Also, senjen, I don't know if you tried anything different with Kagome, but it shuffled around all of the different mesh pieces. It's a lot harder for me to piece things together when they're not arranged in order like they were for Inuyasha's model.
hrm... I know it's not from Secret of the Cursed mask...but I can't think of any other inuyasha games out there. I got these off of warcraft unlimited so it's possible they are chimera models made from parts of many games.
no i didn't do anything different with kagome's model does that mean it's not fixable?
also i got another model done
as well as his icon
i also attempted at fixing his hand issue ^^
It is still fixable, it just takes a lot longer when the pieces are out of order. Whatever the problem was, Bankotsu's model is fine and nicely organized.
I'm not sure if I'd call deleting the other hand meshes "fixing" the issue. You're destroying part of the model, which may or may not be important. It may not be true for every model, but for some models the alternate hand poses are special. (For example, Inuyasha has a set of hands with his claws extended.)