So, ya I ripped Shrowser here from M&L

iT and it's pretty much complete, except one problem. A few of the palette changes here share some of the same colors as another palette. Normally I'd be able to do things like this myself, but ya, same colors like I said. And if you're wondering why some of the frames are half lighter colors is because I had to splice a part of the same pose just to get rid of the smoke.
I just need a professional to make every pose here just like the one on that I labeled.
So basically the sprite at the top it the correct palette and you want all the other sprites to be the same?
I can do that for you, unless someone beats me to it

(01-27-2012, 08:25 PM)HandToeKnee Wrote: [ -> ]So basically the sprite at the top it the correct palette and you want all the other sprites to be the same?
I can do that for you, unless someone beats me to it 
Yup the one at the top! Go for it!
I was gonna let ant do it since, TBPH, I was a little confused about how I would do it looking at how the sprites were.

Don't worry about about it Jetters. I've nearly done it. It'll be up sometime tomorrow
Just have some Patients . If I say I'm gonna do it, I mean I'm gonna do it... OK
By the way, what does TBPH mean?
MJ EDIT: It means "to be perfectly honest". 
Yeah, I'm sure it's super difficult to do. You're way more patient than I am.

Thanks, but you actually missed a few spots. I don't blame you, though since they're hard to see. Maybe I can try to fix the rest.
Some of those bits I missed were quite obvious, actually. I can't believe I missed them

Try this one instead
If there is still bits that I've missed, then I'll leave that up to you

I hate to ask you, but do you think you could try to fix the remainder yourself if you can? I just tried myself and I was having some bad luck with it. If you can't, I'll look over it another time.