It doesn't matter how much time you invest in ripping a sheet, the creation of the sprites itself was multiple times more demanding.
This is why I would never add a "give credit" on my sheet.
I have "credit
isn't required but would be appreciated" on most of mine.
Should I feel bad now?

Why should you? It's better than give me credit or I'll kill your whole family.
The only major real difference is that ripping sheets is something people here do for free - it's their spare time. Whereas the artists were paid to create them.
I'm not saying that doesn't give them right to credit for their work, but they work alongside many people at times, and it is impossible to know who to credit directly - so people have to give credit to the company behind the game. It's the easiest means. If people worked hard, they could learn who created the sprites.
Asking for credit for your time to rip them is better than, as an example, paying somebody. So I respect people who do wish for credit - but I will always now write "Credit isn't required" because frankly, I'm never going to see the work people make with my stuff. I have, for sure, but they could easily have just ripped it themselves.
Yeah exactly. I know this is obvious but the only area I would like to be credited on for the more difficult rips is for ripping them and providing them on TSR, nothing more. Most of the things I rip are too good to be something I would make, anyway.

But, yeah, I do try to keep the sheets where I request credit ripping them to a minimum. If they don't give credit, then eh, because I do say it's not required. I do all this for fun and to help out, and most of the time I don't really think about how much time it took for many of them.
especially since it means playing through most of the game again...