There was a GameDev Lounge before but I'm not sure what happened to it (probably degenerated into discussing Minecraft clones and locked). So here's a new one! In order to keep this GD Lounge from ending up like the last one I have a request:
Don't be the "idea guy"
"Idea guys" are like the guys who make Pokemon splices or edit Megaman sprites. That means nobody wants to hear about your "Legend of Angry Pokemoncraft Bros. 2 Deluxe: Kirby's Revenge" game idea. If you want to be taken seriously then take game design and development seriously.
That said, I've been playing 5th Cell's iPhone game, Run Roo Run. It's a single-button game but it's actually really fun if not infuriating. It got me thinking about how one could make a game so simple so enjoyable.
But I
am the idea guy!
Oh wait, I'm not. Gors is. But he's awesome at that. I'm just a low wannabe programmer who studies computer science (first semester is almost over) struggling with timing analysis
Prior to working on project DIG I was halfheartedly working on a bad zelda clone. I'm actually working on that stupid thing since 2005 and have completely revises everything about four or five times now. That makes me happy. I'll get back to it once DIG is over. And I have time. Time is actually a big issue. I wish I had more! I'd also like to get into Android development and stuff, but running projects have priority. And cookies.
Gors is no idea guy, he's more of an indie game designer and his designs are top notch.
And by that I mean that they top Notch's.
I've been working on a platform shooter, it won't be much since school drains a lot of time, but I figure I could get the ball rolling, maybe get something done to satisfy me, and then in the summer or even spring break, go over it and tinker with the mechanics(If I can even do that by then) and gorgeoutize(yeah I said that) the original sprites. Also Sengir, I think I just have to sprite enemy movement and I can send em your way for you to look over. They're not the prettiest things, but for what I want they'll get the job done atm.
Being the idea guy is a subset. Being the idea guy is not a bad thing. Without an idea there's no path to go. The bad thing is when you are nothing but the idea guy. :ß
Well I mean yeah, you start with an idea. It's what you do with it that determines "idea guy" status. You can take that initial idea, design a game around it and post that or you can just post the idea.
An example would be like,
"I think an online harvest moon game would be pretty boss" as the idea
"How about players can plant crops that mature based on real-time in order to keep people coming back every ten minutes and you use an energy system to limit how much a player can do a day without purchasing energy refills." as a snippet of game design
Yeah but aren't those all ideas I mean...
... whatever. It's not like I wouldn't know what you mean

Going off what Sengir is saying, having ideas is fine, but flesh them out, don't just gush them out. Put thought and planning into them.
(01-27-2012, 02:11 PM)Sengir Wrote: [ -> ]Gors is no idea guy, he's more of an indie game designer and his designs are top notch.
And by that I mean that they top Notch's.
After making contact with radioactive crayons, gors gained life and the ability to create magical works of art.
It's under our team title, give it a quick spin if you're bored it's quite buggy as none of us knew gamemaker whatsoever, but I'm really proud of the guys who did the programming for us, they worked the hardest out of all us and without them we would have been screwed
It's not complete per se, it's just what we managed to complete.
(01-27-2012, 03:00 PM)Gors Wrote: [ -> ] (01-27-2012, 02:11 PM)Sengir Wrote: [ -> ]Gors is no idea guy, he's more of an indie game designer and his designs are top notch.
And by that I mean that they top Notch's.
![[Image: brunette-lisonjeado-thumb19451656.jpg]](
I have the perfect Bob Dylan reaction image to counter that but it's on my Mac, so I guess you'll have to settle for a demo:
You have to press Q or E and hold it down

I did not see this inthe rules section so I'm gonna ask here; can we post open source projects here?
I really need to get back into game making, started a Castlevania engine but got nowhere fast :C. Anyone ever have those days where you wanna do something but can't find the energy to do it?